"rilex" wrote:Roku's docs have this to say about basic:
I hope you're also considering Basic Auth. Digest Authentication in IIS requires a Domain Controller and it is generally not used.
Boolean SetUserAndPassword(String user, String password)
Enables HTTP authentication using the specified user name and password. Note that HTTP basic authentication is deliberately disabled due to it being inherently insecure. HTTP digest authentication is supported.
roAssociativeArray GetResponseHeaders(Void)
Returns an roAssociativeArray containing all the headers returned by the server for appropriate protocols (such as HTTP).
Headers are only returned when the status code is greater than or equal to 200 and less than 300.
Void AddHeader(String name, String value)
Add the specified HTTP header. Only valid for HTTP URLs.
If "x-roku-reserved-dev-id" is passed as name, the Roku box ignores the passed in value. In its place, sends the devid of the application publisher of the currently running app. This allows the developers server to know the client app talking to it is on the Roku box.
"jcohn" wrote:
No ideas?
If I can simply access the headers in the 401 response to grab the nonce, then I will be able to manually construct my authentication headers. Is there really no way to get at these headers?
Thanks for any help or suggestions,