"bbakernc" wrote:
Does anybody have a link to instruction to use Cygwin. I am using Windows 7 and would like to find a "faster" way to test my app on the Roku, then Zipping and uploading.
I'm using 7zip and curl on win7 with the following:
"c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" u %1.zip %1\*
curl -s -S -F "archive=@%1.zip" -F "mysubmit=Replace" -F "passwd=" http://ROKU_IP/plugin_install
I put this in a batch script and then put that into the sendto menu (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo) and then I can just right click on the root directory(the folder containing the manifest) of the project and then "Send To...>Roku.cmd". You'll get a cmd window popup that will be paused at the end of the script. If everything worked you'll see an html response from the Roku with a message 'xxx bytes stored' near the bottom. If you try to upload the same source twice you get a message like "Application Received: Identical to previous version -- not restarting.".
Instead of the sendto menu, this could be modified to work from an IDE or programmer's text editor, if they support calling external programs with the parameters. Just be sure to point the zip program to the right directory level (so manifest is at the top level of the zip).
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