Hi -
I'm working on adding a PIN feature to our private channel, so that users can restrict access to the channel from others who might share their roku.
I debated whether to store the PIN on our server db or in the roku registry and figure it would be cleaner to just store it on the roku.
Now I have it all pretty much working except I'm wondering what will happen when users forget their PINs.
I tried replacing my dev channel with a new version but it still had the PIN stored in registry from the prior channel so I'm worried that removing & re-adding the channel will not clear the PIN and they'd have to do a factory reset, which is imo not ideal.
Are there any good solutions or suggestions for handling this? I guess ideally the PIN would get wiped from registry when the channel is removed. Or slightly less ideal would be a way for us to retrieve or reset the users PIN through our app somehow (I could add a check for this when it checks the device registration linking) Or worst case we tell them when they set the PIN that the only way to rectify losing it is factory reset.