🙂 They both work. Though each one has it's advantages... I'm using the fs version since I don't want to parse the filename.
🙂I'm starting to collect utility routines that roku is missing... I'll post them on my website later. Here's how I tried both styles
Function FileExists(file as String) as Integer
last = 0
l = len(file)
for x = 1 to l
r = instr(x, file, "/")
if r > last then last = r
if r = 0 then exit for
end for
path = left(file, last)
filename = right(file, l - last)
return MatchFiles(path, filename).Count()
end function
Function FileExists(file as String) as Integer
fs = CreateObject("roFileSystem")
If fs.Exists(file) Then
return 1
End If
return 0
end function
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