I am skeptical about needing a "special forum" for recruiting beta testers!
Such forum makes sense if General forum was congested by beta proposals, which does not seen to be the case (but get me straight on that if i am wrong).
The risk in branching out too much is ending up with "ghost malls/towns", sub-forums that exists but get no eye traffic. E.g. i think
StackOverflow got some of that going on, when they started forking bunches of
StackExchange sites. It started with obvious choices like
ServerFault and
SuperUser but with the years kept fractioning down and now on times one has to stop and contemplate: would this be "Stack Overflow" vs "Programmers" vs "Computer Science" vs "Computational Science" or "Theoretical Computer Science" vs "Code Review" vs "Programming puzzles". Or "Data science" vs "DB admin" vs "cross validated" vs "open data". And there be classification nazis that'd club you down if you post in the wrong (according to them) category.
Two questions i'd ask if i were to add such sub-forum:
1) will there be enough beta posts to justify existence and
2) will any visitors pay attention to that corner
Re (1), i remember seeing only 2 such betas during the last month - a game by Romans_I_XVI and (i believe) Musiclouds by jbrave. Where the later one was fairly limited call in the dev.forum (a-la "send me PM and i may send you a code") and i can't even find it anymore. If there is less than couple of calls per week, feels to me a separate forum will turn a ghost town, methinks.
I am proponent of "as needed" forking vs "build it and they will come" approach. AKA "lazy evaluation" or YAGNI
🙂The alternative - as mentioned - is to announce in the General or Developer forum (where Dev. forum will be my choice if i want lesser initial exposure and more technically sophisticated audience).