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Channel Surfer

Channel Behavior Analysis Failed Every time And getting error in deeplinking

When i publish my app its through error while i am doing Channel Behaviour Analysis .Its through error in channel deeplinking basis and channel content play performance.But deeplinking is working fine while i test in my device and all.Its playing perfectly


Can anyone let me know how to fix and live my channel.Below is the error message

For deeplinking and channel content play perfomance getting same error after analyze

While watching media player events, nothing was found. The active application Appname (dev) shows "SGScreen" as the active element. Suggest looking if not logged in or channel UI has changed.


here is the script
rasp_version: 1
default_keypress_wait: 2
channel_name: App name
channel_id: dev
- launch:
channel_name: App name
content_id: wzoojagfbitrfuxgxgeieloozclzknhgwcmnurnh
media_type: movie
query: contentID="wzoojagfbitrfuxgxgeieloozclzknhgwcmnurnh"&mediatype=movie
- wait_for_player_state: play[getting Warning]
Warning message
This feature available only in standalone application
Command wait_for_player_state playCommand wait_for_player_state: play skipped.
0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: Channel Behavior Analysis Failed Every time And getting error in deeplinking

Is anybody solve this problem or know about how to solve it?

I've faced to this same error related to deep linking couple of days ago, too

and I'm totally lost how to deal with this problem.

0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: Channel Behavior Analysis Failed Every time And getting error in deeplinking

Did you get this solved?

I am having the same problem.


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Channel Surfer

Re: Channel Behavior Analysis Failed Every time And getting error in deeplinking

yeah i fixed it

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Binge Watcher

Re: Channel Behavior Analysis Failed Every time And getting error in deeplinking

can you tell us how you have solved it.
thanks in advance

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Channel Behavior Analysis Failed Every time And getting error in deeplinking

Content is expected to auto play when accessed via deeplink. That is why it gets an error "While watching media player events"

0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: Channel Behavior Analysis Failed Every time And getting error in deeplinking

how do u make it autoplay?

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Channel Behavior Analysis Failed Every time And getting error in deeplinking

When Deeplinking to content, initiate the video player for the deeplinked content and start playing without user interaction video.control="play"

Channel Behavior Analysis expects content to play so that it can check that content will play.


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Reel Rookie

Re: Channel Behavior Analysis Failed Every time And getting error in deeplinking

sub ShowChannelRSGScreen(args as Object)
    ' The roSGScreen object is a SceneGraph canvas that displays the contents of a Scene node instance
    screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")
    ' message port is the place where events are sent
    m.port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
    ' sets the message port which will be used for events from the screen
    ' every screen object must have a Scene node, or a node that derives from the Scene node
    scene = screen.CreateScene("MainScene")
    screen.Show() ' Init method in MainScene.brs is invoked
    scene.launchArgs = args
    ' event loop
        ' waiting for events from screen
        msg = wait(0, m.port)
        msgType = type(msg)
        if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent"
            if msg.IsScreenClosed() then return
        else if msgType = "roInputEvent"
            inputData = msg.getInfo()
            ? "input"
            ' pass the deeplink to UI
            if inputData.DoesExist("mediaType") and inputData.DoesExist("contentId")
                deeplink = {
                    contentId: inputData.contentID
                    mediaType: inputData.mediaType
                scene.inputArgs = deeplink
            end if
        end if
    end while

I have this snippet and I don't see where to put the video.control="play"

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Roku Guru

Re: Channel Behavior Analysis Failed Every time And getting error in deeplinking

Handling of deeplink would not occur on that section of code. 

This would be handled wherever 

scene.launchArgs and scene.inputArgs

 are handled/observed in your scene.

This data then would be used to create a task to get the rest of the content data from your server. I would assume that you know how to do this for content chosen by your viewer. You could set a flag that the content is coming from a deep linked source and that content would either be handed directly to your video player node or to a landing page that would then automatically be played by the video player node. 

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