I really need some help. I have tried unsuccessfully to add a direct link to a video from my channel's home screen - bypassing the category feed. I am using the video player example that utilizes categories, and I have been able to (with the help of some on this forum) to add an "About Us" page that doesn't access my category feed. I need to do the same with a video player.
What I have done is change my appHomeScreeen.brs file so that I have added a
if kid.type = "About Us" then
if kid.type = "Orientation" then
Function initCategoryList() As Void
conn = InitCategoryFeedConnection()
m.Categories = conn.LoadCategoryFeed(conn)
m.Categories.Kids.Push({ Type: "Orientation", ShortDescriptionLine1: "Orientation", ShortDescriptionLine2: "Who We Are", HDPosterUrl: "http://dsoeehox1xjyp.cloudfront.net/roku/WMI/images/orientation-HD.jpg", SDPosterUrl: "http://dsoeehox1xjyp.cloudfront.net/roku/WMI/images/orientation-SD.jpg" })
m.CategoryNames = conn.GetCategoryNames(m.Categories)
m.Categories = conn.LoadCategoryFeed(conn)
m.Categories.Kids.Push({ Type: "About Us", ShortDescriptionLine1: "About Us", ShortDescriptionLine2: "Learn more about World Ministries International", HDPosterUrl: "http://dsoeehox1xjyp.cloudfront.net/roku/WMI/images/about-us-HD.png", SDPosterUrl: "http://dsoeehox1xjyp.cloudfront.net/roku/WMI/images/about-us-SD.png" })
m.CategoryNames = conn.GetCategoryNames(m.Categories)
End Function
so that it, in theory, can reference my Orientation.brs which is my "showVideoScreen" file. Here is my orientation.brs file:
' This example function is passed an associative array representing a ' piece of content (e.g. a TV episode) There are other attributes
' (title, description, etc.) but this example focuses on showing
' attributes required for initiating playback. It creates a video
' screen, sets the content and starts playback by calling Show()
Function showVideoScreen(episode As Object)
if type(episode) <> "roAssociativeArray" then
print "invalid data passed to showVideoScreen"
return -1
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
screen = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
' Note: HDBranded controls whether the "HD" logo is displayed for a
' title. This is separate from IsHD because its possible to
' have an HD title where you don't want to show the HD logo
' branding for the title. Set these two as appropriate for
' your content
episode.HDBranded = false
episode.IsHD = false
' Note: The preferred way to specify stream info in v2.6 is to use
' the Stream roAssociativeArray content meta data parameter.
episode.Stream = { url:"http://dsoeehox1xjyp.cloudfront.net/roku/WMI/video/orientation/WMI-orientation.mp4",
episode.StreamFormat: "mp4"
' now just tell the screen about the title to be played, set the
' message port for where you will receive events and call show to
' begin playback. You should see a buffering screen and then
' playback will start immediately when we have enough data buffered.
' Wait in a loop on the message port for events to be received.
' We will just quit the loop and return to the calling function
' when the users terminates playback, but there are other things
' you could do here like monitor playback position and see events
' from the streaming player. Look for status messages from the video
' player for status and failure events that occur during playback
while true
msg = wait(0, port)
if type(msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent" then
print "showVideoScreen | msg = "; msg.GetMessage() " | index = "; msg.GetIndex()
if msg.isScreenClosed()
print "Screen closed"
exit while
else if msg.isStatusMessage()
print "status message: "; msg.GetMessage()
else if msg.isPlaybackPosition()
print "playback position: "; msg.GetIndex()
else if msg.isFullResult()
print "playback completed"
exit while
else if msg.isPartialResult()
print "playback interrupted"
exit while
else if msg.isRequestFailed()
print "request failed – error: "; msg.GetIndex();" – "; msg.GetMessage()
exit while
end if
end if
end while
End Function
The problem, it is not working and I am not familiar enough to determine why. Can someone please help!! Here is my output from the debug console:
ing: 2ms
showHomeScreen | msg = | index = 0
list item selected | index = 0
only 1 category
Current Function:
016: Function InitShowFeedConnection(category As Object) As Object
018: if validateParam(category, "roAssociativeArray", "initShowFeedConnectio
n") = false return invalid
020: conn = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
021: conn.UrlShowFeed = category.feed
023: conn.Timer = CreateObject("roTimespan")
025: conn.LoadShowFeed = load_show_feed
026: conn.ParseShowFeed = parse_show_feed
027: conn.InitFeedItem = init_show_feed_item
029: print "created feed connection for " + conn.UrlShowFeed
030: return conn
032: End Function
Type Mismatch. (runtime error &h18) in ...Kp7M/pkg:/source/showFeed.brs(29)
029: print "created feed connection for " + conn.UrlShowFeed
Function initshowfeedconnection(category As Object) As Object
file/line: /tmp/plugin/CEAAAApEKp7M/pkg:/source/showFeed.brs(29)
Function getshowsforcategoryitem(category As Object, item As Integer) As Object
file/line: /tmp/plugin/CEAAAApEKp7M/pkg:/source/appPosterScreen.brs(132)
Function showposterscreen(screen As Object, category As Object) As Integer
file/line: /tmp/plugin/CEAAAApEKp7M/pkg:/source/appPosterScreen.brs(50)
Function displaycategoryposterscreen(category As Object) As Dynamic
file/line: /tmp/plugin/CEAAAApEKp7M/pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(75)
Function showhomescreen(screen As Dynamic) As Integer
file/line: /tmp/plugin/CEAAAApEKp7M/pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(52)
Function main() As Void
file/line: /tmp/plugin/CEAAAApEKp7M/pkg:/source/appMain.brs(20)
Local Variables:
category &h4010 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=2
global &h0020 rotINTERFACE:ifGlobal
m &h0010 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=7
conn &h0010 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=1
BrightScript Debugger> Note: GC - Found 24 orphaned objects (objects in a circul
ar ref loop).
------ Running ------
Type args = roAssociativeArray
Type args.url = Invalid
Button pressed: 1 0
Displaying video:
srt = file://pkg:/source/craigventer.srt
Unknown event: 20 msg: Stream started.
Unknown event: 31 msg: Download segment info
Unknown event: 27 msg: HLS segment info
Unknown event: 31 msg: Download segment info
Unknown event: 31 msg: Download segment info
Unknown event: 15 msg: Playback interrupted by user.
Closing video screen
Screen closed
*** ERROR compiling /pkg:/source/orientation.brs:
SUB or FUNCTION defined twice. (compile error &had) in ...n/pkg:/source/orientat
*** ERROR compiling /pkg:/source/orientation.brs:
SUB or FUNCTION defined twice. (compile error &had) in ...4/pkg:/source/orientat
*** ERROR compiling /pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs:
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(60)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(64)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(73)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(80)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(90)
*** ERROR compiling /pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs:
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(60)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(64)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(73)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(80)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(90)
*** ERROR compiling /pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs:
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(60)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(64)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(73)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(80)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(90)
*** ERROR compiling /pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs:
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(60)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(64)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(73)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(80)
Syntax Error. (compile error &h02) in ...pkg:/source/appHomeScreen.brs(90)
Thank you for any help you can offer. If there is an easier way to do what I am trying to do, please let me know.
Dean Anderson