It has to do with the half-pixel in rowItemSpacing. If you change the first value from 16.5 to 16, the shifting effect goes away.
34 <RowList
35 id="RowList"
36 focusBitmapUri="pkg:/images/focus_grid.9.png"
37 translation="[-60, 372]"
38 itemSize="[1327, 218]"
39 numRows="2"
40 itemSpacing="[13, 0]"
41 focusXOffset="[147]"
42 rowFocusAnimationStyle="fixedFocusWrap"
43 rowItemSize="[[262, 147]]"
44 rowItemSpacing="[[16.5, 3]]"
45 showRowLabel="true"
46 showRowCounter="true"
47 rowLabelOffset="[[147, 20]]"
48 />
This is probably due to rowItemSize[0][0]+rowItem[0][0] indicating the first item to be at a half-pixel boundary, yet the focusXOffset is set to a full-pixel boundary. I would guess that in the focus row, focusXOffset takes precedence for setting the position of all objects, the one in the focus box being locked at full-pixel boundary. The the non-focus row probably left-aligns with the main row and just addes rowItemSize and rowItem widths and x-offsets to set the positions on their items... which would give a half-pixel boundary. There may also be some rounding thrown in there which pushes posters up or down pixel boundaries. I try to avoid sub-pixel values for all the projects I do and they seem to not run into these types of problems.