The idea was to use the registrySection to save bookmark data and then use it to fill a rowlist with it to create elements that, when selected, would start playing the content, but when trying to pass the itemContent to an associative array, some of the data gets lost (either turned into "" or to invalid), and furthermore, when trying to pass this array to a function that configures the player, the array gets turned into invalid
I am stumped
How are you converting your data into a string value to store in the registry?
I fill an object with the data and then:
sec.Write(contentId, FormatJson(bookMarkData))
On the other side I get the object back with:
sec = createObject("roRegistrySection", "VOD")
keys = sec.GetKeyList()
for each key in keys
bookmarkData = ParseJson(sec.Read(key))
end for
Try printing out the FormatJSON result and seeing if your data is properly handled. As notes, not all data types in BrightScript can be represented.
The data seems to be properly handled, to the point of filling a row of the rowList, it gets created correctly, the element is shown on screen and all that; it's when selecting the element that trying to fill a video component with said data fails because the some of the data gets assigned "" or invalid