"mpwhitt" wrote:
Is there a way to automate the entire "build" process of a Roku channel? We have one code base that will result in multiple channels and would like to automate changes to the images, manifest, and makefile.
We can build an external program in c# (or equivalent) that would make the changes to the files, but would still need a way to automate the packaging.
pkg: install
@echo "*** Creating Package ***"
@echo " >> creating destination directory $(PKGREL)"
@if [ ! -d $(PKGREL) ]; \
then \
mkdir -p $(PKGREL); \
@echo " >> setting directory permissions for $(PKGREL)"
@if [ ! -w $(PKGREL) ]; \
then \
chmod 755 $(PKGREL); \
@echo "Packaging $(APPSRC)/$(APPNAME) on host $(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)"
@if [ "$(HTTPSTATUS)" == " 401" ]; \
then \
read -p "Password: " REPLY ; echo $$REPLY | xargs -i curl --user $(USERPASS) --digest -s -S -Fmysubmit=Package -Fapp_name=$(APPNAME)/$(VERSION) -Fpasswd={} -Fpkg_time=`expr \`date +%s\` \* 1000` "http://$(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)/plugin_package" | grep '^<tr><td><font face="Courier"><a' | sed 's/.*href=\"\([^\"]*\)\".*/\1/' | sed 's#pkgs//##' | xargs -i curl --user $(USERPASS) --digest -s -S -o $(PKGREL)/$(APPNAME)_`date +%F-%T`.pkg http://$(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)/pkgs/{} ; \
else \
read -p "Password: " REPLY ; echo $$REPLY | xargs -i curl -s -S -Fmysubmit=Package -Fapp_name=$(APPNAME)/$(VERSION) -Fpasswd={} -Fpkg_time=`expr \`date +%s\` \* 1000` "http://$(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)/plugin_package" | grep '^<tr><td><font face="Courier"><a' | sed 's/.*href=\"\([^\"]*\)\".*/\1/' | sed 's#pkgs//##' | xargs -i curl -s -S -o $(PKGREL)/$(APPNAME)_`date +%F-%T`.pkg http://$(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)/pkgs/{} ; \
@echo "*** Package $(APPNAME) complete ***"