Hi guys,
I'm fairly new to Roku development, been playing with it only for a couple of days.
I'm trying to get the audio player to play in the background. Right now I have a springboard - while loading it, I also start playing. I'd like users that click the 'Back' button, to go to the previous screen, but, without the player stopping.
Right now all I have is a main screen (poster screen), the springboard with audio metadata and player - in that screen, I simply initialize everything and run the while loop that waits for events. Once I get the "isScreenClosed" event on "roSpringboardScreenEvent"
I simply exit the while (so I will be able to listen to events from the previous view) - that's when audio stops.
Any ideas how to do this?
Thanks guys!
I initialize the player like this:
Function initAudio() As Object
o = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
o.isPlayState = 0 ' Stopped
o.setPlayState = audioPlayer_newstate
o.setupSong = audioPlayer_setup
o.clearContent = audioPlayer_clear_content
o.setContentList = audioPlayer_set_content_list
o.getMsgEvents = audioPlayer_getmsg
audioPlayer = CreateObject("roAudioPlayer")
o.port = CreateObject("roMessagePort") 'Message will be coming out when a track is done
o.audioPlayer = audioPlayer
m.Audio = o
return o
End Function
And I listen to the events like this:
while true
msg = m.Audio.getMsgEvents(20000, "roSpringboardScreenEvent")
if type(msg) = "roAudioPlayerEvent" then ' event from audio player
if msg.isStatusMessage() then
message = msg.getMessage()
print "AudioPlayer Status Event - " message
if message = "end of playlist"
print "end of playlist (obsolete status msg event)"
' ignore
else if message = "end of stream"
print "done playing this song (obsolete status msg event)"
'audio.setPlayState(0) ' stop the player, wait for user input
'scr.ReloadButtons(0) ' set button to allow play start
else if msg.isListItemSelected() then
print "starting song:"; msg.GetIndex()
else if msg.isRequestSucceeded()
print "ending song:"; msg.GetIndex()
m.Audio.setPlayState(0) ' stop the player, wait for user input
scr.ReloadButtons(0) ' set button to allow play start
else if msg.isRequestFailed()
print "failed to play song:"; msg.GetData()
else if msg.isFullResult()
print "FullResult: End of Playlist"
else if msg.isPaused()
print "Paused"
else if msg.isResumed()
print "Resumed"
print "ignored event type:"; msg.getType()
else if type(msg) = "roSpringboardScreenEvent" then ' event from user
if msg.isScreenClosed()
print "Show_Audio_Screen: screen close - return"
exit while
if msg.isRemoteKeyPressed() then
button = msg.GetIndex()
print "Remote Key button = "; button
else if msg.isButtonPressed() then
button = msg.GetIndex()
print "button index="; button
if button = 1 'pause or resume
if m.Audio.isPlayState < 2 ' stopped or paused?
if (m.Audio.isPlayState = 0)
newstate = 2 ' now playing
else 'started
newstate = 1 ' now paused
else if button = 2 ' stop
newstate = 0 ' now stopped
end while