"belltown" wrote:
Does your channel continue to work when you unplug your ethernet cable if you remove the Print statements?
Does your channel continue to work when you unplug your ethernet cable if you have not previously opened port 8085 to view the console log?
Once you open port 8085, e.g. using Telnet, to examine your log activity, the Roku appears to open a port for transmitting log messages to your Telnet client. If the communication link between the Roku and the Telnet client terminates, it seems that after a while (perhaps when the internal console buffer fills), the channel hangs. When the connection to the Telnet client restarts, the channel resumes, all the logs that were being held in the console buffer are sent to the Telnet client, followed by any new log entries. The log timestamps will show the delay while the channel was hung.
I've seen this behavior a lot when debugging a channel from my laptop. When I put the laptop to sleep (thus severing the network connection between the Roku and the Telnet client), the channel continues to run for a little while then hangs. After I resume my laptop the console log spews forth a bunch of stored log messages then the channel continues. I don't get this behavior if I exit from Telnet before putting the laptop to sleep.
I just read RokuMarkn's comment. I think he's saying the same thing.
"Rek" wrote:
Ah, okay. I've confirmed that this is the same behaviour I'm seeing. So as long as the logs are stripped from production, and the user isn't connected through telnet it'll stay responsive. Cheers!
"belltown" wrote:"Rek" wrote:
Ah, okay. I've confirmed that this is the same behaviour I'm seeing. So as long as the logs are stripped from production, and the user isn't connected through telnet it'll stay responsive. Cheers!
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but ... The Print statements only do anything in a side-loaded development channel. Once you're done with testing and have uploaded the channel to the Channel Store (even if as a Private Channel), then the Print statements aren't actually logging anything anywhere, so there's no real need to strip them out in a production version.
' Several function calls here. getDebugString() builds a string with an int, so it's not very quick.
' Plus there's an extra intToStr and string concat in the message itself.
' By stripping this line entirely, we save a lot of execution, even if the final `print` wouldn't
' have done anything anyways.
log_e(m.getDebugString(), "The value is: "+extValueToStr(x))
"Romans_I_XVI" wrote:
Same here komag. I think "Roku probably ignores print in a .BRS", but just for safekeeping I comment out all my print statements anyway before I publish.
Better safe than slow.
PRINT("Printing some test feedback text")
doPrint("Printing some test feedback text", sy)
FUNCTION doPrint(text, sy) ' sy stands for "system associative array" with important keys/values
IF sy.printOn THEN PRINT(text)
"renojim" wrote:
I've never removed prints from any of my channels. No adverse effects. Trying to print an invalid object will cause a crash, but I've never seen any other problem. A slew of prints may have an impact on speed in a published channel, but I haven't done any measurements and I've never had a need for that many prints.
"belltown" wrote:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but ... The Print statements only do anything in a side-loaded development channel. Once you're done with testing and have uploaded the channel to the Channel Store (even if as a Private Channel), then the Print statements aren't actually logging anything anywhere, so there's no real need to strip them out in a production version.