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Roku Guru

Re: App freezes when network unplugged

Instead of, but similar to, the printon setting, I use this and it works ok for me...

In my startup code...
m.Development = CreateObject("roAppInfo").IsDev()

And a routine in my global routines
Sub Trace(Value as string)
if m.Development=true print (stri(m.Timer.TotalMilliseconds())+": "+Value)
End Sub

Then I can call it anytime and it prints if in dev, the drawback is if I do a complex function to generate the value, it still runs in production, but the one area I do that I surrounded with the same m.Development check.
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Roku Guru

Re: App freezes when network unplugged

"sjb64" wrote:
Instead of, but similar to, the printon setting, I use this and it works ok for me...

Well done, good sir!
I think i'll ugh, borrow that for my code. There is actually already a timer somewhere - a bit obscure but i found it - in ifAppManager.

'main() init section. keep singletons handy
m.roAppManager = createObject("roAppManager")
m.roAppInfo = createObject("roAppInfo")
m.isSideLoaded = roAppInfo.isDev()

function trace(this, that = ""):
if m.isSideLoaded then
print m.roAppManager.getUptime(); ": "; this; that
end if
end function

An advantage of using semicolon separator instead of string concat is that `this` can now be any type (e.g. array, dictionary) and let print handle the printing
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