What you are trying to accomplish is quite an undertaking. Now if you were to restrict yourself to ROKU 3 then you would have less of a problem and more freedom to use the standard method of offsetting bitmap coordinates. However, due to the processor/disk intensive nature of the texturemanager as well as the need to update your screen constantly as bitmaps arrive, the lower-end boxes do not perform well and the response Is more jarring rather than smooth, if you allow the user to scroll while bitmaps are coming in. In my experience ( and I have tried using just regions and bitmaps ), Use of the Compositor, sprites and regions has several advantages. First, the compositor is responsible for drawing all sprites. So one call to compositor.DrawAll takes care of all drawing. Otherwise you would be in a constant loop iterating through each row to refresh the screen with the incoming bitmaps. Second, region offsetting is preferable to changing coordinates of the rows of bitmaps. Only the new row is drawn in and the other rows that are in the display are "scrolled off" by movement of the region alone. This allows you to keep the coordinates of most of the bitmaps intact and therefore your texture receiver can pop in the textures as they arrive. otherwise you would have to let the texture receiver know that all the coordinates have changed, because the user just scrolled. This becomes a big problem with easing since you are in a coordinate-changing loop. Bitmaps arrive very quickly putting you into an instant whirlpool. Composite drawing and region easing is far more optimal
A while ago I posted an example of a grid that does not use the texture manager. I have since improved on the grid itself choosing to use a display stack to wrap around instead of indexing. This is very optimal since there is only a few rows that can be displayed at one time on the screen with your standard poster sizes ( 2-3 ). So pushing and popping indexes is very fast and there is no indexing or math involved. It also is a more natural fit for easing regions. I have also added a cachemanager object which incorporates the texturemanager
While I do not mind sharing the new grid, It is useless if you cannot understand how it works, or have a bias against composite, sprites and regions as some developers seem to have. Thus I have not put the new grid out on the forum. My suggestion is to run the old grid and study my style and logic. Although I have refined many things the core is the same. If you can work at understanding it and see it as beneficial for yourself then I many consider releasing the new grid, It really is nice and performs very well at least on what I am able to test it on (3, new stick, and 2xd ) I plan on getting a 1 box (amazon) to see how it performs. The link to the old samlple grid is below
My Channels: 2D API Framework Presentation: https://owner.roku.com/add/2M9LCVC
Updated: 11-11-2015 - Completed Keyboard interface
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