I am trying to learn the 2D API for a custom UI I am working on and can't get anything to draw on the canvas. What am I doing wrong ?
This is supposed to draw a solid yellow rectangle at the top of the screen
sub main()
screen = CreateObject("roScreen",true)
screen.DrawRect(0, 0, 1280, 121, &hFFFF00FF)
msgport = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
pressedState = -1 ' If > 0, is the button currently in pressed state
' Start our event loop
while true
if pressedState = -1 then
msg=wait(0, msgport) ' wait for a button press
msg=wait(1, msgport) ' wait for a button release or move in current pressedState direction
if type(msg)="roUniversalControlEvent" then
keypressed = msg.GetInt()
print "keypressed=";keypressed
end if
end while
end sub