Over the last week I had two Roku 3s (4200X) stop responding to their WIFI-Direct remotes (originals).
For the first it just stopped responding and nothing I tried would get it to work (hard rebooting, trying to pair the remote again, etc).
The second was one I was using in another room using Wireless Connnection. I replaced the first with it and it was working until the first reboot after I switched it to Wired Connectivity. At that point it would not respond to any Wifi-Direct Remotes.
The only workaround I have found is to use the Roku App on Android's remote feature to switch the roku back to Wireless connectivity. For the second roku this allowed the remote to work immediately. For the first I needed to pair the remote again (I assume since the pairing was lost when trouble shooting). Although this means I can only use Wireless Connection for now.
Hopefully a new update will be pushed soon that fixes this issue.