Thank you for the information, but mine is not asking me about music or giving me the option to choose a brand. How did you get to that?
I have two new voice remotes with volumn and mute buttons and one older voice remote with only the volumn buttons. The Power works on all Remotes but no volumn. I have paired and re-paired each remote with no luck. Also when re-pairing none have music playing ir anywhere that I can add my tv brand. They just tell me that the tv's do not support control.
I have created an Issue ID for each TV, which are attached:Living room Samsung Smart TV: power & volumn worked before
Kitchen Sansui TV: power & volumn worked before
Office Samsung TV: power & volumn worked beforeThank you for any help!
Model: 3810RW - Roku Streaming Stick +
Serial number: YHOOEO121192 (22501E121192)
Software version: 9.4.0 build 4210-50
Timestamp: 2021-05-08T20:20:39Z
A week or two ago the volume down button turned the volume up. Everything else worked. Today the volume buttons do not work at all. Power button still works.
My remote is not controlling the volume.
Model: 3921RW-Roku Premiere +
Issue ID- (20-184-270)
TV- Samsung/LN46B530P7NXZA
My other Roku has the same issue.
Was going to post instructions and pictures but found this video that’s exactly how my remote set up works when I do it.
not sure why you do not have option to choose tv brand. On both of mine it asks. Im surprised Roku has not fixed this yet and stopped communicating updates to forum members still having problems.
Thank you, but the message I get when I go to set up tv controls is that this TV does not allow, so no options. I have had Roku on all my tv's for 3 years and it is unfortunate that Roku is not sending a fix.
Thanks again for your reply! 🙂
Roku Model: 9102R - Roku Streambar
TV Make: Vizio
TV Model: D32x-D1
Issue ID: 25-188-473
My remote stopped controlling the tv power and now the volume pops up every time I hit any button. I bought a second remote thinking that the remote was the issue but the same thing happens with that remote as well. I also tried to search my tv to re- set up my remote for tv control and no brand of tv is recognized (I have typed in many different brands to see if one would be recognized and it just keeps saying "No search results. This entry is not recognized as a supported tv brand.").
Has anyone received a response back? We are told to put our info here and then no one replies to it.
I updated the roku, restarted the roku and went thru the steps to set up my remote and after doing that it finally worked for 2 of my tvs
I started having issue today 5/11/21. Here is my information.
Model 4660RW Roku Ultra
S/N YJOOF7642386 (CS489F642386)
Softwar Version 10.0.0 build 4195-46
Timestamp: 2021-05-12TOO:47:45-Z
Issue ID 86-188-687
Tv is a Sony KDL-40W3000
Dee Dee Johnson