Binge Watcher

Re: Missing characters in text boxes

This is Not a new issue. Many others have reported it for well over a year now. And more than one has said that buying a new Roku stick didn't solve the issue, it still happens. I have this issue on not one, but two sticks so it's not the stick. It happens a few times a week and it's become worse. Yes, restarting the system temporarily fixes it but it soon comes back. After more than a year, why hasn't this been fixed??

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Binge Watcher

Re: Missing characters in text boxes

Same issue here for well over a year and they haven't done anything about it; I doubt anyone has even tried. 

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Binge Watcher

Re: Missing letters on main screens

I’m starting to wonder if we need to pursue a legal approach to this defect?

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Binge Watcher

Re: Missing letters on main screens

If anyone has the resources to pursue a legal approach, please do. Roku is totally unresponsive on this issue. There's always the option of switching to Amazon I suppose.

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Binge Watcher

Re: Missing letters on main screens

Remedies wouldn’t support an individual suit, but maybe someone could figure out a way to represent all with this issue, something like a class action to make it worth their time. 

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Binge Watcher

For Roku to respond re: Missing characters in text boxes and Scrambled Graphics

For Roku: Does anyone from Roku read these posts and respond? Re: Missing characters in text boxes and Scrambled Graphics, many people have already given you the information you need (model of streaming stick, etc.) and suggesting they restart Roku (everyday?) or replacing the stick doesn't solve the problem (I have two sticks and both of them do this). This has been going on for well over a year with no fix and the issue has become a lot worse; for me it now happens every day. To say they are 'working on it' can't be true, not after this long!

Why hasn't Roku fixed this issue???


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Reel Rookie

Re: For Roku to respond re: Missing characters in text boxes and Scrambled Graphics

Is this grounds for a class action?

it seems to me this smells a bit like “we are purposefully killing our own devices so you need to upgrade!” 

I have the same issue with two different roku’s and don’t know what to do. 

Channel Surfer

Re: For Roku to respond re: Missing characters in text boxes and Scrambled Graphics

I’m thankful to no longer feel like a crazy crank w/an anomalous issue…now that i’m not alone I feel almost foolish for my undying Roku support and for all the devices purchased since 2010…the Apple tv on of our TV’s looks more and more like an option for the rest.

It’s gaslight-y approach by support, the disingenuous ‘the engineers know about the issue and are working on it’ and then suddenly ‘your device is bad’.

UGH…harder and harder to recommend Roku….scratch that, incredibly easy to now not recommend Roku 

Reel Rookie

Re: For Roku to respond re: Missing characters in text boxes and Scrambled Graphics

I won't upgrade. I have $300+ of soundbars. I will find a different service. 

To me, this isn't a device issue (since I have two devices bought a couple of years apart). It's a service issue. 

Roku is getting too big for its britches. It's large enough that they are starting to neglect customers. 

Even these forums are a great example. This is their customers helping each other with very few actually company employees here. 

They are losing what used to be the best part of their company - proper customer service.

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Binge Watcher

Re: For Roku to respond re: Missing characters in text boxes and Scrambled Graphics

Is there a 'higher up' person to contact, other than just posting on this forum? Maybe an IT person or a higher up admin. person, someone who can actually do something about this and not just give the usual scripted responses that do nothing to solve the problem?

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