Where do I file for the refund on my now useless TV?
I read the new terms and they do have an opt-out in section L. It requires you to send a letter (snail mail) within 30 days with a bunch of information. Sending that means you are not under the new arbitration rules, which should be illegal in the first place.
I've used a Roku for well over a decade and am now looking at other options. I refuse to support a company that tries to remove customers ability to sue for redress if necessary.
I am down!
I have a truly ancient Roku 2 and this hasn't happened yet. In my opinion, if Roku disables a device in this manner, then essentially they have willfully damaged your device and you should be able to return it for a refund.
If my Roku 2 is willfully damaged in this fashion, I shall request a refund from Roku and move to an open-source platform like Kodi or something similar.
Well done.
Also, they have us right where they want us. I actually saw a broadcast where the "elites" were contemplating how to (essentially) enslave the rest of the population. One responded by saying something along the lines of "that's easy, we'll get them focused on "something" "and held up his phone.
Look around you...everyone is constantly staring at their phones. Roku and all other companies know this and are hedging their bets that we'll accept their nonsense so that we can continue to watch their **bleep**. Why not stop watching TV (garbage) and go outside. Exercise, start a hobby, volunteer or read a book!
Also, do not invest in products that rely or "cooperate" with other products to function properly. In many cases, smart TVs that come complete with Roku or other streaming services will push their self-serving nonsense on the consumer and because you have made an investment in that product, you most likely will not decline. Keep your eyes open and your options favorable to the consumer.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
@Dianne42 wrote:I have a truly ancient Roku 2 and this hasn't happened yet.
It's unlikely any version of the Roku 2 would receive this message. Only one model of Roku 2 (4210) is still supported, the others all now considered legacy and no longer supported. And the 4210 is nine years old and actually doesn't work with all available Roku channels.
It's unlikely any version of the Roku 2 would receive this message. Only one model of Roku 2 (4210) is still supported, the others all now considered legacy and no longer supported. And the 4210 is nine years old and actually doesn't work with all available Roku channels.
Well, that's good to know! I'm happy with my Roku 2 and will keep using it until the hardware fails or it's so old that it stops working.
This is reprehensible, and I will not be purchasing any Roku products again.
As others have said, there is a provision in section L for opting out by sending a letter, which I will be doing.
I have also submitted a complaint with the FTC and my state's consumer protection agency, and I encourage others to do the same.
My Terms and Conditions came up yesterday. I didn't read it and immediately went into my home screen and clicked on Spectrum. It wouldn't open. Tried my other apps. None of them opened. Not even the Roku Channel. The only thing that worked was the "Live TV" The last 2 days I have corresponded with 4 different Roku staff on the chat line to try to get a resolution to my problem. Two of the staff people have disconnected me from the chat line and I had to start over. Very frustrating. I still do not have access to my apps on the TV nor the mobile app, I am able to watch my other streaming services on my other TVs so it's obviously a Roku problem.
No resolution still on my end. I tried rebooting, power off, remote app. Roku still have not called me back since yesterday