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Binge Watcher

Re: Roku disables player with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

Again, NO ONE KNEW they would send out a disabling update that caused your devices to stop working unless you agreed to NEW terms and conditions.

No one could have known this, you included, b/c no company in this sector has done this. It's called a new low.

Many (most it seems) are fine with opting out if they don't agree with the new terms. The issue is HOW it was presented and the result: people unable to use their lawfully owned devices.

So yes, please leave the discussion if you have nothing useful to offer or just want to shill for Corps.


Binge Watcher

Re: Roku disables player with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

UPDATE: I called Roku and spoke with the Billing Dept. (I could not get thru to anyone else) about my account, and I was told specifically and repeatedly that Roku has not had a data breach.

Still, probably good to check your login/password for breaches. Try https://haveibeenpwned.com/ for info on whether your email is involved in a data breach.


A new wrinkle...

Well today when logging into my Roku account here to reply to this discussion, Chrome advised me my Roku login & password was found in a data breach and compromised, and advised I change it immediately.

Not trying to cause a panic. This could be unrelated as it seems I get notice of corporate data breachs on the regular, maddeningly.  Best to check your passwords, folx.

I'm calling them and specifically inquiring about a data breach and will report back.


0 Kudos
Binge Watcher

Re: Roku disables player with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

Has this been reported to the Office of the US AG(received error from ROKU stating the term a t t o r n e y was not allowable in this forum), FCC, FTC, and all networks? It should be mentioned that by ROKU consumers refusing to agree to the Dispute Resolution Terms, the advertisers are not getting a return on their investment as NO ONE IS WATCHING THE ADS/COMMERCIALS. 
Additionally, ROKU is required to provide printed or electronically retainable of this alteration in our services. When I perused the ROKU website today, these Dispute Resolution Terms are NOT visible on the website. In fact, what is visible on the website Terms and Conditions does not reflect a change in the Dispute Resolution language at all. 

0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Roku disables player with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

>> I'm done with this. Want to have a hissy fit about this? Feel free.

Eloquently stated, my response is the exact same to you.

0 Kudos
Not applicable

Re: Roku disables player with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement


Thing is I'm not having one. The terms do not bother me one bit. Other are going nuts over it. I really do not care.

0 Kudos
Not applicable

Re: Roku disables player with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

HA, read about this in Techcrunch this morning so when I turned on the Roku Ultra in my office, I saw this stunning message that basically says "do it or else". This is just the limit really, especially after they rolled out that godawful update that puts more junk icons on the home screen that literally no one is interested in. 

Okey dokey Roku, I guess I don't need to continue using your service; I'm unplugging right now. 👋.  Roku can take their strongarm T&C and file it in the brown filing cabinet.  

Not applicable

Re: Roku can take their coercive TOS and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

FTR, when I typed the word "C R A P" (had to space the letters so it would post here) they replaced it with "**beep**".  Lol, really??  Someone might be offended at that tame word??  

Reel Rookie

Re: Roku disables player with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

I feel for you formercustomer.  I myself have 5 devices for TV alone.  We were just discussing purchasing 4 outside lighting / cameras, 2 doorbells & an expanded interior security system worth in excess of $1000.  That will not be happening now.

My previous post was to detail my view on how to use all vehicles at my disposal to seek justice.  After seeing the response over the last few days, I am sure Roku will rue the day that they decided to go down this path.

0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Class Action? Anyone Interested

All of you people are questioning what to do....  FILE A COMPLAINT, and actual one with the people that are here to make sure consumers are protected. 

California Att0rney General  (the state Roku is located)
Your State Att0rney General
The Better Business Bureau will only play middle man, but your complaint will warn others looking at ROKU's reliability.
Call you television manufacturer.  (I have Hisense.  They told me to agree to it.  I told them where to go.  lol)

Write up one complaint and then copy/paste to all the others.  It's easy and effective.  And BTW, I also included in my complaint, a copy of this thread link, so they can view all the complaints listed here.

Streaming Star

Re: I don't agree to Dispute Resolution Terms update. TV now unusable. Now what, Roku?

@andyross wrote:

Just remember that most if not all devices and services have binding arbitration clauses these days. Your Internet, phone, etc. Probably even your credit cards and bank.

Yes, but the purpose of the complaints is to make others aware that some illegal shinannigans is going on and to have it investigated.  If we keep allowing these arbitration tactics that limit our own personal welfare, then no matter what they do to you, there will not be a chance for you to recoup any losses, including personal damages.  It's not a step you want taken.  But it will be too late if you don't act when a company like this forcefully makes you agree. 

They have no right to brick YOUR television.  YOU PAID for it.  It's YOURS.  Not reporting their illegal practices is like telling them they can come flatten all your tires on your vehicle anytime they want to.

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