I reported to FTC. I'm thinking a class action suit by all who do not agree for the amount required to replace the now non-functional TV sets.
@Wes_H unfortunately, I agreed to the terms so that I can actually use my television, but I do not agree with it at all.
> I need to send them a physical letter stating that?
I did not go to law school, but that is my best understanding of the terms. Though, if it were me, I'd be careful to include every single thing they request and send it by certified mail. At this, point, I have trust issues with them.
Or, you can do what I did. Don't agree! Instead, mash the home button rapidly (and repeatedly). If that doesn't work, mash the back button (<-) rapidly and repeatedly. The latter helped me escape.
To inject a bit of humor into the mix...
This is how I felt when I turned on my ROKU TV this morning...
How I Felt About The Roku Pop-Up
This is what I drank while figuring out how NOT to agree...
What I Drank Afterwards
No. It is not legit. Roku never charges for Support. Plenty of scam sites on the internet.
Sounds like you were a victim of coercion. I don't think a coerced agreement would hold up in court. So, agree, and claim coercion if the time comes. Report to FTC as evidence of coercion.
Do you mind to share an example of your opt out letter , without your personal information. I don’t want to press the agree button, I want to opt out , but because I am not proficient in English I am worry of the language I may use in that letter.
Thank You
We have to agree with the terms of Roku or else don't use Roku anymore. One way choice only is to agree with the terms and then we will be billed for subscription next to use it.
No more free this time, We have to pay to their services.
I was able to use the Roku remote app on my phone to bypass the agree screen blocking access to programming, then it allowed my actual remote to work as normal.
Dear Roku, I do not agree to the Dispute Resolution Terms that were presented to me on March 3rd 2024 via the software that is running on my personally owned TV. When presented to me I had to choose between clicking on the agree button accompanying the terms or losing the functionality and therefore replacement value of my TV. This is my legal notice to you that I am retaining my rights to sue you both personally and as a party to a class action suit.