Same here. I now have 55” of useless television. With exception to using it as a ginormous Animal Crossing monitor. Not cool Roku, not cool. My tiny TC2 bedroom tv still works ( fingers crossed)
Did anyone try to reset the network connection? Everything else did NOT work for me either until I reset the network connection:
1) Go to Settings -> Network -> Set up connection -> Wireless
2) Choose your Wifi AP (if you used wired connection, disconnect the Ethernet cable from your device)
3) If your Wifi password was already "remembered", erase it and re-enter the password, then Connect.
Then go try your channels that weren't working.
Somehow the v10.5.0 upgrade locks out other channels from accessing the internet, or making the access super slow. Doing the above somehow clears out that lock for me. It's funny cause doing a factory reset didn't clear that! 😅
I have done everything multiple times for at least a week or so and then finally did a factory reset. Some of my channels worked prior and after, like Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, Pluto, etc, but Hulu, Disney, Frndly and some others are the ones not loading and having errors. The reset didn't work and and also resetting the network connection after the reset didn't work either. I have the Roku Ultra 4660X. My mom's tv with built-in Roku that she just purchased is working perfectly fine for now. So frustrating.
Sorry to report that changing my internet connection to WiFi made no difference in my case. Nor did resetting the unit & not even powering down for 5 minutes has had any effect thus far. I have a newer Ultra in my basement I’m going to try next…
I’m having the same problem. I’ve been gone for two weeks and I just turned on my Roku and it’s frozen on the introduction to the 10.5 software update. My remote won’t work and I can’t get that page off the screen. My channels are all useless. No idea what to do.
Says, "Dan the Roku Community Streaming Expert". OK, bud. Just tell your boss to unf*ck this situation. Quickly. Bricking your own devices without any recourse for the consumer is a recipe for trouble.
I also agree with the original poster, and thank you original poster for starting this thread.
And "Dan", many of us here disagree .. it IS absolutely a widespread problem .. and a big one.
I am also in the same position and many here. Recent 10.5 update has rendered all our Roku Smart TV's (Onn's & TCL's) completely useless. 4 of them at 2 different homes blocks apart. Point being, it has bricked all 4 Roku TV's in the past week, both Onn and TCL's. All less than 1yr old. It is a widespread 10.5 OS problem.
Netflix is the ONLY channel working properly, every other channel (you name it) will not load at all, gives error messages, or take like 15 minutes to load **bleep** SD buffering content and then fails. It's beyond frustrating at this point. It's a widespread problem. I rebooted the modem/router, hooked up to ethernet, went thermonuclear and factory reset all Roku smart tv's and they all do the same thing .. all channels not working except Netflix. And this took hours as I'm sure you all know.
All wifi and connected devices in the home connecting at blazing fast speeds. It is NOT our network in any way. It is absolutely the Roku 10.5 update that broke all our TV watching abilities (sans Netflix only for some very odd reason - like others) for several days now.
Roku - PLEASE for the love of god post something on your website front and center acknowledging the problem and suggest a solution - or even a temporary solution.
Rollback instructions please, or push out a new update to fix. This seems to be the ONLY solutions at this point, right? I've tried everything else. All smart Roku TV's say the signal strength is Excellent too. This is maddening.
I suggested the reset network connection above NOT because my network connection has any issue. It has NO problem, and Roku (the OS) was accessing the network fine even without the reset. It was the channels/apps not being able to access the internet for some reason (i.e. Amazon Prime won't load saying internet connection issue, and Disney+ reporting Error Code 42, while YouTube somehow managed to continue to work but loads video very slowly.) Doing the "Check Connection" will NOT resolve the issue.
My case:
I have 3 TCL Roku TVs, 2 connected to the network over Ethernet, and 1 connected wirelessly. All 3 started to stop working (live streaming channels stop showing up in TV guide, most channels/apps cannot load/run, introduction to OS v10.5.0 page show up but freezes/can't load, etc) after they automatically updated to v10.5.0. On 1 of the TV, I tried everything suggested on the message threads (manual software update, secret menu to software update, uninstall + reboot + reinstall of channels/apps) with no success. Then it somehow works when I disconnect from wired network and erase/re-enter my Wifi password. I repeated the solution on the remaining TVs and they were repeatable solution. Thus I hope someone else might be in the same case and find it useful.
Yes, the problem is Roku pushing out automatic updates of un-tested upgrade! They should immediately roll-back the automatic update when they received the 1st customer complaint! Likewise, there should be an option to disable automatic updates, and the upgrade process should be under user control. For some of us, cord cutting is deployed in a commercial business, and stability/predictability is MUCH, MUCH MORE important than your new features! Most of us do NOT want to be your beta tester.
This is infuriating. how can you push out an update with no beta testing or quality control? I haven’t tried every app/channel but from my personal experience only Netflix and YouTube work….HBOMax, Disney +, AppleTV, Amazon Prime do not
I sent a PM to RokuDanny as suggested in another thread and it appears he is helping others by rolling back to the previous version but maybe if you didn’t force an update before it was ready you’d have a lot less unhappy people.
@Mr_Yeets wrote:Says, "Dan the Roku Community Streaming Expert". OK, bud. Just tell your boss to unf*ck this situation. Quickly. Bricking your own devices without any recourse for the consumer is a recipe for trouble.
I'm sorry you don't believe me, but I work for the federal government, not Roku. I am not stating you all aren't having a problem. I can only relate my personal experience, and when possible I try to assist.
For Roku TVs (not stand-alone players), you can download the latest firmware to a USB stick and reload the OS. This article explains the process. I honestly hope you can find a solution.