"NOW" you can. You used to not be able to. I don't mind them adding something when the only way to let us know they added it is to turn it on automatically, as long as we can turn it off again. Having it be there without the option to remove it broke scripting in my remotes and the only thing I use my roku tv for in my bedroom is the input so it added keypresses to get into the pc menu.
I just received an email telling me I'd earned 25 Kudos.
This isn't some ego contest. I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR %^&*$ KUDOS!
And if you ever again try to force me to sign your new Terms and Conditions -- else never again use my own television -- I'll put the %^&* thing on the curb! I never signed a contract with you in the first place, so there are no updates to what never existed. Further, you attempted to literally hijacked my device and hold it hostage in order to force me to take the action YOU wanted. I believe that may be called illegal seizure, and I'm now actively looking to join a class action suit against Roku.
By the way, if your new TAC was agreed to by my granddaughter because she REALLY wanted to watch Super Book, then your mouthpiece wasted a perfectly good big purple crayon writing the legalese garbage, because 5-year-olds aren't allowed to sign contracts, you idiots!
If you EVER made one red cent off me, then you owe me; not the other way around, so stick your Kudos, get your hands off my devices, and get out of my home!
I agree and I'm giving you a kudo to show it.
Its been over 6 months and more home buttons are being added. Not removed. Added! Please stop adding additional buttons to the home screen. I am now on a mission to remove the buttons or change products.
there's a setting now in the menu. You can get rid of it.
yes, please remove that row. It’s just a bunch of **bleep**.
turn it off. As long as you're fully updated, it's in settings to hide that row.