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Channel Surfer

Re: [OS 10.5] Ultra 4660X channel issues and slowness

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Send a PM to Danny-R at Roku and request a roll back to version 10.0.  They will need your model and serial number.

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Roku Guru

Re: [OS 10.5] Roku Ultra experiencing loading channel issues

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@randymc wrote:

where did you find; how install the 10.0?

for mine, it was just another update or in this case roll back.  it lasted a couple of days before there was another update to 10.5.0 b 4208-46.  I have an Ultra 4670R.

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Re: [OS 10.5] Ultra 4660X channel issues and slowness

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I am getting absolutle no response at all.  This started in Nov. and my controller is not responding and cannot get to my settings.  I did everything offered on your video, and still not response.  I only had this stick since July of this year.  This is the second time this has gone out.  Getting very discussed with Roku and its non response.  I was told I would have to buy a new one.  That is not going to happen if it keeps going out every six months.  What gives.

Reel Rookie

Re: [OS 10.5] Ultra 4660X channel issues and slowness

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After going through the steps to downgrade back to 10.0 OS from 10.5, everything worked fine... Until this morning my 4660x auto upgraded back to 10.5 and the slowness and problems with various apps has returned.  Garbage.  Too many hours wasted troubleshooting the initial problem only to have it return.  Time to move to a better streaming media device and retire this roku junk for good.  YMMV.

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Re: [OS 10.5] Ultra 4660X channel issues and slowness

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WTF?  My 4670X won’t load any channel. Frozen with Won’t delete an existing channel (so I can reinstall) 

Seriously, Roku can’t fix this? Planned obsolescence so I have to buy a newer Ultra?  Perhaps another reason my Roku stock is sinking faster than a boat anchor.  No humans to communicate with.  **bleep** customer service.  Are they all ex-employees from Charter and Spectrum? Are they going to fix this, or force customers to buy a more recent model? Thank God I have a Chromecast and a Firestick for backup - at least they work.

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Reel Rookie

Re: [OS 10.5] Ultra 4660X channel issues and slowness

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After the forced upgrade back to 10.5 from the 10.0 downgrade, i ended up rebooting my roku (which i could use one app after rebooting on 10.5.4201).  Tonight after rebooting we watched an app and now i am watching another app and it seems to be working better on 10.5 and i wonderes why.  Turns out the upgrade back to 10.5 is now 10.5.4208 (up from 4201).  So maybe the update to 4208 has addressed the issue.  Not convinced but time will tell.  Still not appreciating how the rollout, rollback and upgrade again has been communicated or handled.  YMMV

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Reel Rookie

Re: [OS 10.5] Roku Ultra experiencing loading channel issues

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I have an 4670X Roku Ultra.  The 10.5 update has made it unusable.  Like others, it rolled back to 10.0, but then upgraded again to a newer 10.5 build.

Here's my take after a couple of hours of frustration:

From what I can gather, something in the 10.5 builds is interfering with my home wifi.  Since the 10.5 updates, I have a new wifi signal being broadcast from the Roku called "Direct-roku-###-######".  This signal is being blasted at a power level that actually interrupts my normal household wifi.  That is, no wireless device finds the internet when my Roku is plugged in. Thus, the Roku is acting as if it doesn't have wifi.  The channels try to load, but there is no internet to run them as the normal wifi is actually being overpowered by this mysterious new Roku signal.  If I unplug the Roku, this new wifi signal goes away and my normal wifi starts to work again.  But there is no way to have my Roku on and have my normal wifi actually work.  So it's a Catch 22.

I think this new signal has something to do with Roku "Direct Connect" and how the Roku talks to it's remotes.  While there is an option to disable DirectConnect in the menus, mine won't let me turn it off as it claims it's currently connected to a smart remote (though I've taken the batteries out of that remote).

I suspect if I could turn off Direct Connect, it would stop broadcasting that mysterious signal.  Then the normal wifi would be able to get through, and the Roku would work again.  But alas....

Of course, this could all be wrong.  I'm just spit-balling.  I'm hoping Roku updates their OS soon.  Christmas break is coming and my kids are going to want to watch some movies.

Reel Rookie

Re: [OS 10.5] Ultra 4660X channel issues and slowness

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This is total BS.  This is the same thing the Amazon Fire TV was doing when they became overlaoded with customers cutting the chord.  I switched to the ROKU Sticks because of it.  We paid good many for the ROKU devices and for the pay services we have.  There is nothing wrong with our networks or anything else.  This is a problem on your end.  Stop telling us to check our stuff.  One day it's working good, the next it's not.  It has been several days, and I am tired of it.  Fix it NOW!

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Re: [OS 10.5] Ultra 4660X channel issues and slowness

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My Roku is not connecting to my WiFi even though it is the correct connection.

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Channel Surfer

Re: [OS 10.5] Ultra 4660X channel issues and slowness

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This is total BS. This is a problem on your end.  Stop telling us to check our stuff.  Fix it NOW!

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