Did you know that the purple logo tag has a valuable use? Just add a colorful shoestring or cord, knot the ends, and it becomes a passive remote finder and identifier. Use different colors to keep track of multiple remotes.
Why not attache a big honkin' hunk of something, like on a gas station rest room key?
@makaiguy Are you having a private crisis causing sarcasm & snarky comments to leak through? Because this is your 2nd I've read today where negative attitude crosses into an aggressive posted response; subtle as slapping someone in the face.
You have the choice to NOT respond..A well-known phrase comes to mind:
It advises NOT to say anything if you can't say something nice.
@Jim Thanks for pics & sharing your tip--Whatever works best for you, right?
I applied 3M velcro tab onto bottom of remote & attached matching velcro tab to LR table; Then I "park" remote on table side-edge within reach while also leaving tabletop clear.
I love using Lanyards for my Roku Voice Remote Pro.