So, I understand Roku doesn't have profiles - but here's my scenario:
we have one in the living room, one in the bedroom and soon to have one in the office. Oh, and I also manage one for my mother who's in a nursing home.
the one in the living room is a brand new
Roku Ultra - 4802R
Roku 3
Mother in a nursing home
Roku Ultra (not sure the version, but it's not yet a year old
I didn't realize that a change on one affects all the others on the same account, so I found it very puzzling when my husband said that the remote upstairs effected the Roku downstairs. Until spoke with another user who told me that will happen if they are all under the same account.
So now I'm trying to decide if it would be better to set these all up as "guest" or just reside to having to log into each account when I need to make changes.
This would be easier if each had its own profile - but it doesn't seem Roku is interested in going down that road 😞
I'm interested in hearing others thought or how they have handled a similar problem.