I have been watching Family Affair on Roku channel. For the past week when I scroll to find it I hit the arrow button once like I always have and it just shoots through several video choices. If I scroll up and down it does the same. If it is not set to land on the show I want to watch I can't watch it. It happens on both my TVs with the roku channel.
Hi @Deanna4,
Thanks for the first post in the Roku Community!
We would be happy to look further into this issue, but we will need more detailed information. Can you please provide us with the following information:
Once we have this information, we will be able to pass it along to the appropriate Roku team to investigate further.
Warm regards,
@Deanna4 Your remote buttons may be getting stuck or are worn out. Also, IR Signals from the remote can be negatively affected be a light or sunlight glares. If it is happening on two devices and only on the Roku channel then the remote might not be the issue, but it may be worth it to try a new remote. You can get them on Amazon for around $10 and they work out of the box, no need to pair with your TV.
Other things to try:
Good luck.
Thank you. I will try these things.