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Re: filter option missing from the channel options menu

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You are funny. Telling me I'm doing exactly what your doing. What a joke you are.

You've solved Nothing with all of your advice. 

You offer No Solution to Anything , yet. No badge.

You obviously Trolled me.

Give it a brake buddy. Just say No Patience.

Maybe you should leave this forum and stop posting your Hate.

Moderator check it out.

Please see if anyone violated the terms and eliminate them already, even if it's me.

Getting tired of trying to help with all the wa wa from this person.

Oh. And here comes a flock of wa wa's is from the end of a good song our musician should know. "Life's been good with Roku so Long." Do do doont, .

Chill dude chill 

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Roku Guru

Re: filter option missing from the channel options menu

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@Anonymous I trolled you? I never even addressed you until I kept seeing your put-downs of those of us posting with issues.  And I never claimed to be offering solutions, as I come here, hoping against hope, to find some, so I have no clue why you dis me for not having solutions. You're the longtime user offering lots of "advice", primarily consisting of telling everyone to just wait, and not to post their issues, and telling the moderators to shut down threads noting problems others are having.

You have no issues with your Roku use, nor have any helpful solutions, so why even come here? Do you think your exasperation with everyone's failure to "just be patient", & trust that Roku will fix everything, in due time, is helpful? Look up trolling, cause your behavior fits it to a T.... smh

Roku Guru

Re: filter option missing from the channel options menu

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Going back to topic, I called Roku Customer Service because I lost my video for the second time in a month. The young lady talked me through a Roku Protocol (apparently this happens quite often) for this issue and my screen came back like magic. While I had her on the phone, I asked her for a number at Roku with whom I could discuss the problem with this menu mess. She said that she was not at liberty to give out that number but would connect me directly.

The first person couldn't help, so I was transferred to someone else. That person did the same thing. The fourth person was from Tech Support, who claimed he couldn't hear me. That's when I hung up.

Lesson learned: Roku doesn't give a c...p about the dissatisfaction of their customers. I guess they don't realize the harm they're doing to their brand.

Roku Guru

Re: filter option missing from the channel options menu

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Just wanted to say that I carried on a Twitter direct message conversation with Roku Support where I was able to articulate the use case of what we users lost when the OTA channel guide was changed again.

Went back and forth with them over the course of a couple of days and about 15 DMs detailing how we cannot set the permanent guide to Favorites any long, and finally they admitted "Thanks! We've check on this case and we would like to inform you that there is currently no feature to enable favorite channels on Roku TV."

I don't know if this will make any difference, I did ask them nicely to copy our conversation to the dev team, so there is a slim bit of hope. But I'm not holding my breath.

don't call me expert, just a long time Roku user that seen a lot of things
Binge Watcher

Re: filter option missing from the channel options menu

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 finally they admitted "Thanks! We've check on this case and we would like to inform you that there is currently no feature to enable favorite channels on Roku TV."

This is incorrect as stated.  If they meant to say they haven't yet changed the code to make FAVORITES the default, they would be correct or that the ability to FILTER was removed.  There is no reason why they can't change the code to allow that.  Favorite channels can still be added and removed as always.  They just removed the filter option and are using the memory to add this monstrous change to the channel menu that makes it so hard to reduce the number of channels available to scroll through by defaulting to FAVORITES.

Respectfully submitted


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Roku Guru

Re: filter option missing from the channel options menu

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@cwcheese, I appreciate your effort to reach out to Roku on another platform. It may or may not go anywhere but at least we're continuing to stoke the fire.

Roku Guru

Re: filter option missing from the channel options menu

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I fully understand what you have said and agree with every word of it.

I think that in the context of the somewhat clipped and asynchronous conversation with the support guy, the answer I got is correct in context, that is I trust that Roku Support fully understands my contention that there is a flaw in the software that doesn't allow setting Favorites as a default menu choice. I've been speaking to them as a software engineer, trying to present the issue in a manner and with language they are accustomed to, in order to convince them to perhaps put in a bug ticket to do something about it. It may be for naught but here's hoping.

don't call me expert, just a long time Roku user that seen a lot of things
Roku Guru

Re: Favorite channels suddenly stopped working

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@RokuDanny-R It's now been TWO MONTHS since you said you're going to let the team know about all the major issues we're experiencing since the update, so where's the fix?  This new configuration of the "Guide" is an absolute & total MESS....
Half the time I click on Broadcast, I cannot play (or find) a single OTA channel, and I get over 80!!  It only shows the streaming channels, in the guide, and what I can get on my Roku TV.

The category groupings aren't even accurate, there's never a single show in the Recents folder, and very limited number of channels in other categories, nowhere near the number that actually exist. And when I click on ALL CHANNELS, it will jump from Ch. 1185, to  Ch. 165 (the news channels) completely leaving out about 80 of my OTA channels! How am I supposed to EVER see them, if they don't show in the guide???  This is impossible & incredibly frustrating...

When I scroll through channels it's a very, very JERKY & JITTERY motion, which both slows it down even more (how about speeding it up instead), and makes me seasick!

When I try to get to a channel via speaking, it will say Listening, then Thinking, and then GO NOWHERE, just Thinking, with the blue arrow going round and round!!  Or it can't hear me, or it will take me completely somewhere other than what I told it to!

Oh, and some channels show episodes in completely random order, no two numbers follow in consecutive order!  This absolute lack of responsiveness by Roku to the complaints of its users makes me scratch my head. Most companies will go out of their way to keep customers, not drive them away. Where are the fixes for these issues?

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Re: Favorite channels suddenly stopped working

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I Cee your still having trouble with your TV.

Mr. Steven D.

I strongly suggest you destroy your TV.

It seems to be the root of all your ANGER.

Stop being hyper critical to everyone, that hurt your little feelings.

Get rid of your Roku and stop whining like the little girl that you sound like.

I believe most people are here looking to help and be helped. Not Heckled like the heckler that you are.

You've got No Positive Vibrations! 

Being bumped up the ranks by **bleep**ing is not the best achievement. 

And you truly did bring out the worst in me and many others. Stop the Hate.

Destroy your TV StevenCee



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Roku Guru

Re: Favorite channels suddenly stopped working

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@Anonymous, venting ones frustrations is not hate. The solution to replace a $1000 TV is OK if you can afford it. Believe me, I've considered that. But what other way can you let Roku know that they screwed up royally? They tried this experiment in the past, fixed it and then reverted to it again.

I'm sure that this will not be permanent but will it be a matter of days or weeks?

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