
Need Help with sound roku issues.

I recently bought a Roku plus series 4k QLED 75in for my living room about a month ago. I have a VIZIO SB3651-E6B 5.1 SmartCast SoundBar that is connected through the HDMI(ARC) the audio output settings are set to eARC and shows (VIZIO SB3651) my internet download speed is good (150Mbps) The issue I'm having is that I will be streaming through disney+, paramount+, peacock, doesn't matter what app it is, when the next episode automatically starts the sound becomes extremely delayed. what I have been doing is turning the tv off and on and that sometimes work, if that doesn't I have to physically unplug it from the wall in order to fix it. I've tried every combination in the setting from switching the audio output to auto, switching it to wall mounted, reseting my modem to see if its the internet. its starting to get annoying that I can only watch 1-2 episodes at a time before I have to physically unplug the tv to solve the issue. I will be trying an optical cable later today and see if that works. if anyone has any other ideas I'm all ears.

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Re: Need Help with sound roku issues.

Hi @hafer,

Welcome to the Roku Community!

We will be more than happy to assist you further with this issue that you're experiencing. Please try to restart your Roku TV by going to settings, system, power, and system restart.

Let us know how it works.

Best regards,                                                                                                                                        John

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