Every channel I run says the same thing... "can't run channel". Netflix, Hulu, prime, even roku channel. All of them. I've done factory reset twice, reset network connection, changed to default theme, unplugged for 15 minutes, checked network connection (and passes test), pressed * on app and did update, did software update... Everything done multiple times. Ugg..
I am having the same issue which started on Saturday 12/31/2022 . I have tried everything. I started a chat with the Roku support team and was told it would be escalated to engineering and engineering would respond via email.
I have not heard anything from anyone as of today. Very disappointed
@Zsg0240, can you connect to an alternate network like your phone's hotspot to see what happens?
After trying all recommended fixes I did try to connect to an alternate network. My hotspot connected fine but had the same result with the same error. I then tried creating a new account with and without preset channels and got the same error.
I still haven’t heard back from Roku support on this. I have 2 Sharp Roku TV’s with the same problem on the same network. However, I also have 2 Roku express on the same network working just fine. Grrr
Just turned TV back on and gave it another try and all channels are now working.
I didn’t do anything but click the channel and it loaded.
I am assuming some problem was addressed.
back in business!!
Edit: Just turned on the TV and now the stick works, auto-magically. A week with no channels loading but it is working now, really odd problem to have.
Did anyone ever get a solution to this issue? I am having the same problem and posted in this thread, but for some reason my post was moved into it's own discussion. https://community.roku.com/t5/Channels-viewing/Can-t-run-any-channel-on-all-channels/m-p/888647#M144...