I am still having this problem, only on Apple TV. I only use it for Apple exclusive shows such as Foundation.
Ultra (2020)
When I watch Foundation and the video glitches, the audio changes pitch for a while, like the video has sped up just a bit. Weird. Never seen/heard that before.
In my case it happens on all Apple+ shows I am watching at the moment, including Foundation, Ted Lasso, and The Morning Show. The sound cuts out and the picture goes black or to static for a few seconds. This does not happen on any of the other Roku apps.
While this is probably Apple’s problem, Roku advertises that AppleTv is available, and makes it available in their App Store. Roku is the only one that has enough influence with Apple (if it is indeed their problem) to get this fixed. Apple tends to ignore individual consumers unless the issue is for their hardware, and even then it may never get fixed.
Just to add to my previous post, it does it on all of the Apple TV+ shows.
Also this is on a Roku Express. And as i mentioned before, it do not do this 6 moths or so ago. Not sure what updates have taken place since it used to work.
I still want to know why this issue is marked as solved, when it isn't, and I did not see any solution even posted.
Apple TV on the Roku is a joke. I have a Roku TV as well as a stick. Every program on Apple TV stutters and loses sound on both devices. I have removed the app, completely reset the devices, reinstalled the app, and has the exact same problems. Zero problems with any other app.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the posts.
When removing a channel, please make sure to restart your device before adding the channel back again, specifically in that order.
Please keep us posted what you find out.
As stated in my post, I did the following:
1. Remove App
2. Hard Reset
3. Reinstall App
4. Fly into a rage when it's just as bad as before.
Yep, did all of that multiple times and is does nothing.
Only a problem with Apple TV.
The change of audio pitch (for me) is extra annoying. One minute it is ok, then it is chipmunks talking, the next it is the Goa'uld.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the follow up.
If you are still experiencing an issue after, removing, restarting, and re-installing, I'd recommend reaching out to Apple TV directly to report the issue and request additional support. Many channels on the Roku platform are developed and maintained by the channel provider directly, and they'll be able to best assist. If other channels are working correctly, and you only experience this issue on the Apple TV channel (app), that is likely an indication that the issue lies within that particular channel. In these cases, the channel provider will need to investigate the issue in order to help resolve it.
You can reach them here: https://support.apple.com/apple-tv
"If you are still experiencing an issue after, removing, restarting, and re-installing, I'd recommend reaching out to Apple TV directly to report the issue and request additional support."
Already tried that. Apple will do nothing except tell you to contact Roku