Every few clicks of the remote brings a pop up that says this channel is no longer available. It is I believe from the rdio app. It is driving us insane as when we are searching through and app every time this comes up it takes us back to the Home Screen when we exit the notification. Help!!!!
Does one of your shortcut buttons say rdio?
RDIO was a music streaming service that went out of business in late December 2015. Some Roku remotes of that vintage had direct access rdio buttons.
Do you have such a remote? If so, perhaps the rdio button is in a partially depressed position, making occasional contact.
Thank you for responding. The problem started as a pop up that said Rdio no longer supported. So I deleted the app from the home screen and now I get the more generic message. I don't have a Rdio button on the remote but I will try a different remote. Thanks for the advice!!
I deleted the app button on on the home screen and don't have a shortcut button on the remote but I will try a new remote. Thanks!!
Thanks for the help, @makaiguy
Keep us posted with any updates, @Oharamj
In addition, any apps that are no longer available on the Roku Streaming Store but are still installed on your Roku device are advised to be uninstalled since they will no longer be compatible or will not work at all.