Tier I and Tier II suppport with spectrum/Roku/Tcl personnel stumped. All resets kill/replace of apps updated software on smart sets...Multiple brands-native and 4k sticks hanging off various models
Spectrum cannot tell me what the code stands for "RBF-2107"
Neighborhood head end fubar event 4 days ago 6 hour outage
No one can figure out or suggest a non cable box workaround....
Never had a problem local or remote with application prior.
I can watch on spectrum tv app i phone 7 no problem
No issues accessing watch.spectrum.net on phone or pc devices....works perfectly
Thanks for the post.
For more information about that channel's error codes and functionality, you'll want to contact the channel provider support directly to inquire further. Many channels on Roku are developed and maintained by the channel provider themselves.
I was able to correct this problem by removing the Spectrum app, doing a system restart (from the Roku menu) and then reinstalling the app. Once the app was reinstalled and launched I had to enter my creds again and the app has worked fine since.
It was a bizarre self correct event on all TV's....only weird thing now is I get a banner saying. "Connect to your home Spectrum Service to get all channels on your subscription" which is kooky as I am on my home network 24/7...oh well I got a truck rolling tomorrow here on a unrelated issue and hopefully I will get a savvy technician, not just in coax minutia
.Thanks to all responses
Update - That worked for a hot minute. now all four TV's (using different model Roku's) are having that same problem. No combination of remove/install/reboot/update that I have tried seems to work.