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Channel Surfer

Re: Political propaganda used to brainwash people currently available on Roku

DBDukes -  Roku gets ad dollars based on subscribers, whether it is free or not.  If they lose subscribers, they lose $$.  So there's that.

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Channel Surfer

Re: Political propaganda used to brainwash people currently available on Roku

Thank you, Clarence Darrow.  Now apply your defensive talents to a more worthwhile cause.  I'm sure that buried deep in something posted on Burrow, you can find a nascent kernel of truth.  But why should inquiring minds be forced to that task?  And how many 'inquiring minds' do you think there are in the right-wing cults?  Are they the same ones who are anti-vaxers, and causing thousands to lose their lives unnecessarily?  But, knowing that you are on the case, must make Fox News and the other purveyors of disinformation, sleep easy at night.  Good dog!

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Channel Surfer

Re: Political propaganda used to brainwash people currently available on Roku

I probably should have recognized that you were a conspiracy kook, but I assumed you were  just a regular right wing kook. I understand why you are defending a Qanon outlet spewing nonsense on Roku.  Sorry, I won't play chess with a pigeon.  By the way, no one ever, ever, ever said that the vaccines would prevent you from getting COVID....but they would prevent you from dying from it, if you were in reasonable health otherwise.  I am fully vaccinated, and got a mild case of COVID, which required no hospitalization, and just a few days of fatigue.  Take your tin foil hat somewhere else.  Nanu nanu.

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Re: Political propaganda used to brainwash people currently available on Roku

Leave the channel don't look back sheep

Channel Surfer

Re: Political propaganda used to brainwash people currently available on Roku

You do realize that you sound completely insane, right? This isn't a thing, man. Find a life somewhere, then live it.


Channel Surfer

Re: Political propaganda used to brainwash people currently available on Roku

I have a wonderful life, but I’m also not blind. Everything that I said is verifiable evidence. Take a moment of your time and do the research. I’m not here to put anyone down, I’m just trying to educate. Do your own research. If you don’t, then don’t come here and give advice on anything you haven’t confirmed. 

Channel Surfer

Re: Political propaganda used to brainwash people currently available on Roku

There ya go. Trying to tell other people what to say. Typical. "Advice" to live your life? If that's offensive to you, you prove my point. Try ignoring people who don't agree with you rather than attacking them and ordering them around. Live and let live--ever hear of it? 


Nothing compels you to answer me, and I have just as much right to my opinion as you do to yours. Further, you don't know what I've "researched" or haven't. MAYBE I've gone down the same paths, and my conclusion is different. 

Good luck, good hunting, and godspeed.

Now leave me alone and get back in your mom's basement, little one.


Re: Political propaganda used to brainwash people currently available on Roku

Honestly who is to say what is truly real on either end. Every good story has some basis in truth and honestly when the world falls apart it's the crazies that will be out there still fighting for your freedom. You cannot tell me one single soldier in all of our military that isn't a little off their rocker. Who cares what others believe and/or choose as their topic of conversation as long as they aren't treading on your exact same right. As for people who commit suicide it's usually from a lack of feeling accepted and understood so what is your disgruntled message saying, that you are choosing not to be accepting of those who are different. Please be a little more open minded.

Reel Rookie

Re: Roku is violating its own standards by hosting a new Qanon channel, "Burrow" (as repor

Please wake the f up  if people don't realize how severe and real the "conspiracies" are it's going to get even uglier. If you'd actually take a moment to watch the actual footage of things and children crying their eyes out to their parents for things that have happened to them and you can believe it's brainwashing false information but I guarantee you it is deeper than you'll ever open your mind to it's scary it's disgusting and I wish it was fake but I can tell you right now there is nothing fake about it it is the real deal and people need to watch that and people need to pay attention and people need to open their eyes and realize what they're not paying attention to and just letting happen the more people that turn a blind eye the worse it gets call me what you want I don't care I'm not out there I'm not loopy I'm not a conspiracy theorist I am a realist I am biased and I go with my gut instincts and I know for a fact that there's nothing false about anything up on that channel and I'm sorry that you can just turn your blind eye I hope your children's children won't be affected

Channel Surfer

Re: Roku is violating its own standards by hosting a new Qanon channel, "Burrow" (as repor

Sorry, but you are loopy - and I'm being polite here.  If any of that were really happening, you think police, fire, hospitals, FBI, government agencies, enraged parents, Qanon, and everyone else wouldn't be rushing to intervene?  You forget the nut who took an AK-style rifle to the pizza parlor where Hillary was supposedly 'grooming' young children in the basement??  You are just promoting this nonsense with your breathless - I assume it's breathless, and not something requiring hospitalization - take on it.  But my advice is to take off the tin foil hat once in awhile, because otherwise it gives you 'hat hair'.  Nanu nanu!

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