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Binge Watcher

Re: Please stop the Spanish speaking ads!!!!

This is a very good thread so far. I would like to know more about it. How to remove display ads. Thank you so much!


Re: Please stop the Spanish speaking ads!!!!

It is extremely rude to the English speakers to throw in Spanish commercials.  

English Ads for English Channels

Spanish Ads for Spanish Channels

It's like you are saying, ha ha you can't understand us and we don't care.

Channel Surfer

Re: Please stop the Spanish speaking ads!!!!

Thank you to all speaking up about this. It irritates the **bleep** out of me, is there anyone on this post who knows if there is anyone we can send a written complaint to? 

Channel Surfer

Re: Please stop the Spanish speaking ads!!!!

Thank you Lianna,

      I see these ads on every Roku channel and I subscribe to most of the channels I watch. Very few actually air commercials but I’m seeing Spanish commercials on several English Roku channels. I’m happy to read that there are others out there that feel the same. Thank you 

Channel Surfer

Re: Please stop the Spanish speaking ads!!!!

Thank you for adding to this thread. Glad I’m not the only one. I also have nothing against the Spanish language but I feel an arrogance by those producing these commercials and airing them English channels , an arrogance that they don’t care if the ads are understood or wanted 

Roku Guru

Re: Please stop the Spanish speaking ads!!!!

The ads are probably local inserts, and if you are in an area with enough of a Spanish speaking community, they may throw some in because it's not directly targeting you, but a general community.

Reel Rookie

Re: Please stop the Spanish speaking ads!!!!

I'm not really concerned with the demographics of my area honestly.  I'm sure there is something to your point.  My point is that when ever I've traveled to another country and watched their TV, I have never seen and English language ad... English speaking countries aside of course.  When my grandparents migrated here they spoke zero English... they learned by making friends in their community and by watching TV.  I know English isn't officially the national language of America; however, it is the global language of business, aside from possibly Mandarin.  If you truly want a "melting-pot" of cultures, then a common language is key for communication. If you pander to those here that don't speak the English language, then you are encouraging complacency in learning the culture in which you reside; in this case America. America speaks English... learn the language.  When traveling to other countries, personally I attempt to learn to communicate in the native language of that country best I can. If not, I sketch, do charades and ask folks to help me learn. If I'm not in an English speaking country, I personally try my very best to NOT use English. I only ask for the same courtesy. Cut the BS Spanish ads.


Re: Please stop the Spanish speaking ads!!!!

EVERY ROKU CHANNEL, EVERY 5 TO 10 MIN. I have to setup different channels to switch to when they come on. Every immigrant from everywhere had to learn and speak English. My family had to learn English. It's bad enough that we are all stressed, but to add insult to everyone working hard to be supportive to Spanish people and resentment for requiring us to conform to not being an English-speaking country anymore is going too far. Let the Spanish take responsibility to learn English like we did and all other immigrants. The English standard is there for us to get along and communicate and live together.

Channel Surfer

Re: Please stop the Spanish speaking ads!!!!

If they are listening to english then why spanish commericals. They under english or would not be watch it


Re: Please stop the Spanish speaking ads!!!!

YESSSS STOP THE SPANISH ADS!!!!!! I am sick of it. 

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