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Roku Guru

Re: NHL App Game Recaps Are Missing

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Sorry that you're still having problems. I agree that there isn't a way to avoid seeing the scores under the "Video" tab, but with the "Hide Scores" turned on in the Settings, looking at recaps under the "Teams" tab" never show the scores (at least up to now). As I wrote previously, it sometimes takes a search to find the game recaps under the Teams tab (I usually look for a video about 5 minutes long, or a video about 8 or 9 minutes long for the 'extended highlights.' Most teams put them up not long after the game is ended, in my experience.  Don't know why Roku or the NHL app creators changed from the old way (under the "Scores" tab), but I'm used to this now. It is what it is...!

FYI, the NHL app viewed on the Amazon Fire Stick still has game recaps under the Scores tab, but something has changed on the Fire Stick: it crashes repeatedly, and even when the video is playing, it never plays 'smooth,' always somewhat 'jerky?' Thus, I always use the NHL app on Roku.

Hope figure something out so that you can watch what you want, without seeing the scores, on Roku!

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Channel Surfer

Re: NHL App Game Recaps Are Missing

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This new format makes it too much work to follow the league.  Recaps under the 'video' tab has spoiler scores and the 'game in 6 minutes' under the 'teams' tab doesn't even identify which teams are playing - at least for the Leafs page.   

I'm just not going to bother following NHL.  Seems like in every aspect of life these days we are being forced to accept less and expect less and be happy about it.  I'm not going to support a league that hates my race, hates my sexuality and doesn't care enough about its core audience to make following easy.

I'm out.


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Reel Rookie

Re: NHL App Game Recaps Are Missing

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Where can I watch 5 min recaps of each game from any given night?

Surely having to click around to each team tab in order to watch each recap is not easier than the scores page with all games from any given date, in one place. 

Am I crazy or is this “change” yet to be explained? Is it a glitch? Is this temporary? 

Please no more sub par fixes. Can someone answer: 

What choice led to score page no longer working as before? (What benefit and for who?)

Will/can the Score page function again  as before? (Why or whynot?)

This directly informs my decision to keep or delete the channel from Roku.

 I thank you in advance for clear succinct answers.

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Community Streaming Expert

Re: NHL App Game Recaps Are Missing

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@Jgfernandez1 is the developer of the channel/app for the Roku platform.  They are responsible for the coding, the appearance, the function, the maintenance, and the presentation/format of their channel/app.

I have never used their apps on mobile or on my Roku devices so relying on others when they say that the format of this channel/app has changed. (I usually just head to their website for info.)  It does not seem to make much sense why they would differ in their Firestick vs. Roku layout, but one explanation could be that channel/app developers had to modernize their development for OS 11.5. (older channel development methods have been deprecated.)  As such, they may have just thrown together enough for the channel/app to continue to operate w/o much more thought.  Perhaps a future update is planned to address the non-working parts.

The only party that can address the shortcomings/concerns with the channel/app is and


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Just another Roku user... I am not a Roku employee.
Insignia RokuTV, Ultra 4660, 4802, 4850, Premiere+ 3921, Express 4k+ 3941, Streambar 9102

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Roku Guru

Re: NHL App Game Recaps Are Missing

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When the current season began, the NHL app on Roku was the same as in the past---under the Scores tab, 5-minute Recaps and Extended Highlights were both available. About the second week of November, on Roku this changed into what is presently available. (As I've written before, Firestick still has the 'old' format.) No place that I've seen on this forum or doing an online search has explained why this change was made. I believe that a company called BamTech does the actual tech work on the apps, on behalf of the NHL (based upon what I've read). As to whom this change benefited, no clue. 

You can look under the Videos tab and easily find Recaps for all games, but the score is always shown. If you have Hide Scores turned on, hunting down the Recaps under Team tab still keeps the scores hidden, at least in my experience. Until someone makes a change on the app, that's just the way it is!

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Roku Guru

Re: NHL App Game Recaps Are Missing

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Hockey season is winding down, but last November when this issue arrived, I tried all of your suggestions (and more) with no success. I've done enough research to be certain that the issue is simply a change by the developers...for reasons that aren't readily apparent. But I've survived all season by watching the 'highlight recaps,' accessing them through the Teams pages on the app.

FYI, never played a video game in my life, so I don't think I'll be taking your suggestion to start playing one now!

Thanks for your comment, though.

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