Yes! And my password is still unrecognized.
Did you "sign up" on ROKU?
If so, call ROKU/get a refund/sign up the way you were told to on
Then go to your ROKU/go to Newsmax/click the *options button and/Update...Sign in with your Newsmax U/N password etc
I haven't signed up yet since that was what I was trying to log in to do. I can't find a way to sign up for Newsmax Plus on Roku. It appears that one has to sign up and pay on the website but my question was how does Roku know I've signed up there? I naively thought I could subscribe to Newsmax Plus on Roku just like one does for other channels. But, it appears that Newsmax Plus is an outlier and that the normal Roku payment route doesn't work for it. I'm guessing that one has to subscribe on the website and then somehow, magically, Roku knows that I've done so and will allow me access. But, I'm hearing of people write in that they still can't get Newsmax Plus on Roku despite signing up for it on Apparently, it's a very inconsistent process. What a mess!
You are correct. You MUST signup for access on the Newsmax website I gave you. It will link directly to your ROKU. They were the exact instructions Newsmax gave us. It works. I have NO idea how "magicaly" ROKU knows; however, it "feeds" off Newsmax.
So bottom line is this...You MUST signup through the newsmax site, then go to ROKU/click on your Newsmax APP/click the *(options) button and will UPDATE for you and ask you to put in your newsmax U/N and P/W....
I am in the same boat.
Mine is still not working a week after subscribing. I followed all directions. It worked for only one day. Now it tells me to subscribe and shows I have no paid account. Yet it appears on my bank card.
I call regularly 3 times a day and have for a week. No one calls back.
I cannot get it on Firestick, Android smart TV. Roku or Samsung phone. It tells mecto subscribe again and in account settings doesn't list I paid but appears on bank card. Don't think it is a roku issue.
Are you using a ROKUTV; a Samsung or other with an APP; or a Roku Device? If a Roku device, which one?? I use the ROKU Ultra and the LoginID and Passwords Do Not Remain Sticky.
I have several rokus. They work fine once I subscribed through INSTEAD OF through Roku account. My smart tv is a Sony and the app has glitches.