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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Missing episodes on Murdoch Mysteries

Hey, everyone.

Thanks for keeping us posted regarding the issue of missing episodes with the Murdoch Mysteries.

This is currently being reviewed by our team, and taking action. We'll make sure to provide an update once there's any progress.

We appreciate your patience and support, we truly appreciate it.

The Roku Community Team.

Takashi O.
Roku Community Moderator
0 Kudos

Re: Missing episodes on Murdoch Mysteries

It's been over six weeks since this issue was brought to Roku's attention on this thread. That seems a very long time to resolve any of the issues. We found the voiceless episode, the episode shorted an ending, the episodes incorrectly edited such that color bars were seen rather than the beginning of the episode (trivial to get around, just fast forward to the episode start), the episodes with out-of-sync closed captions, and all the missing episodes. We just finished S10E18 and discovered S11E0-4 are missing (among others). Considering it was the most significant cliff hanger in the show's history seasons 1-10, it was heartbreaking to discover the loss.

So... 6+ weeks and no evidence of a solution or even an explanation. The inconvenience of advertisements is suddenly more burdensome.

Reel Rookie

Where is Season 17 Of Murdoch Mysteries? The Whole Season Is Missing on Roku Is It NOT AVAILABLE ?

I Want to watch The Whole Season 17 Of Murdoch Mysteries On Roku And I Can't!!!  It go from Season 16 straight to Season 18. I Have been waithing for Season 17 for a long time now. It's Not on Hulu when I started  Murdoch Mysteries And It NOT on Nexflix. So Please Tell Me WHEN SEASON 17 of Murdoch Mysteries will Be On Roku. I Can't Start watching Season 18 without watching Season 17. 
0 Kudos
Community Streaming Expert

Re: Where is Season 17 Of Murdoch Mysteries? The Whole Season Is Missing on Roku Is It NOT AVAILABLE


Can definitely get Season 17 on Acorn.

Looks like it may also be available through Hoopla (public library program) for free as well.

If you have Prime Video, can buy Season 17 for $15.


Roku Community Streaming Expert
Just another Roku user... I am not a Roku employee.
Insignia RokuTV, Ultra 4660, 4802, 4850, Premiere+ 3921, Express 4k+ 3941, Streambar 9102

0 Kudos

Re: Missing episodes on Murdoch Mysteries

I tried to compile a list of all the issues. I compiled a list of most of them but I got so frustrated I possibly stopped recording other issues for a bit so please listen to others if they report issues not on my list. I have people who want to watch the show so please fix these issues so those of us who can't afford a subscription can still watch legally with it being ad supported. We want to support the show as well.

I attached screen shots of the list of issues with missing episodes, missing parts of episodes, lots of various sound issues, mislabeled episodes, etc. as there were too many to list here.

Also including screen shots of the color & sound test or whatever it is called that happens sometimes at the beginning of some episodes. It throws the CC off. And due to the other sound issues you have to crank the sound up loud and then the test is the ear piercing tones! It happened in a few episodes before I started listing it. I think this is what another user meant by colored bars.

Willing to re-watch the series once you have hopefully worked out all the issues everyone has listed to double check it's now correct if needed.  Thank you.

Just a fan of Murdoch Mysteries
Reel Rookie

Re: Missing episodes on Murdoch Mysteries


0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: Where is Season 17 Of Murdoch Mysteries? The Whole Season Is Missing on Roku Is It NOT AVAILABLE

I pay $7.99 a month (recently up from $4.99) for Acorn TV just so that I can watch ALL MM seasons.  Unfortunately, they don't drop an entire season at once, but at least S18 is mostly there and gaining new episodes each week. Oh, and NO commercials!  The only thing that I don't care for with Acorn TV is that you can't pause it on a full screen as I like to do on the cast/guests credits (you have to press < and then > without pressing Play, and it shrinks down to a small box view.). 

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Where is Season 17 Of Murdoch Mysteries? The Whole Season Is Missing on Roku Is It NOT AVAILABLE

@XYZ123 Thanks for the post!

We understand that some users are having trouble finding episodes of Murdoch Mysteries on their Roku devices. Just a heads up: we’re looking into it and are working with the team to sort things out.

Your continued patience is greatly appreciated.

The Roku Community Team

Jharra Q.
Roku Community Moderator
0 Kudos
Channel Surfer

Re: Where is Season 17 Of Murdoch Mysteries? The Whole Season Is Missing on Roku Is It NOT AVAILABLE

I think it's sweet that you feel we have "continued patience" on these issues. We really have no choice in the matter. How long do you believe we should have all this patience? Patience is all well and good, but it needs to be followed with some amount of satisfaction. Please tell us what has been done and is currently being done to "sort things out"!

Reel Rookie

Re: Missing episodes on Murdoch Mysteries

We fast forwarded and found the episode. I'm not sure why the test pattern sppeared but forwarding past them we found the episode.

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