Miss Universe 2022 is slated to stream on the Roku Channel on January 14th, 7 PM New Orleans time. I just purchased a Roku player to stream the competition from my home. Where in the Roku Channel can I find the live stream to the final show telecast?
You can watch either online Roku Channel https://therokuchannel.roku.com/watch/9aa77659adec5edf8d1d95da7ab0e8c2 or search for "Miss Universe" on your Roku device. You will find the result for both "71st Miss Universe" and also "Miss Universe Collection". Both contain the Live Replay.
How to stream Miss Universe and on what channel on Toku. I have a Samsung Smart TV with Roku.
From the Miss Universe website https://www.missmissuniverse.org/2023/ , https://www.missmissuniverse.org/live-stream/, and some online resources, Roku apparently has an exclusive streaming deal to host the 2023 Miss Universe later this week (1/14/2023 7pm ET).
Yet no mention of it on their blog (https://www.roku.com/blog), the Home Screen, or their website.
A bit disappointing with all the new features taking over the Home Screen like the Buzz, What to Watch, Featured Free, there is no mention of this exclusive streaming deal, or how to watch mentioned by Roku
The nearest thing I saw were many references to this WWD article https://wwd.com/eye/scoops/watch-miss-universe-pageant-live-stream-free-online-1235458998/ that indicates available via https://therokuchannel.roku.com/. Some preliminary info and ceremonies before the actual pageant can be watched on the Miss Universe Youtube channel as well on the eve of the event. https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialMissUniverse
I will say for New Years a section appeared on the Roku channel online as well as on devices that basically you just selected/clicked and took to you the livestream so maybe something similar will occur in the next day or so.
Where’s the answer for this question??
See this thread . It's as good an answer as we're going to get unless someone from Roku wants to chime in.
missmissuniverse.org is your source? Kinda looks bogus. Try Miss Universe Live - StreaM | Watch FrEE (missuniversee.org). Well, maybe not. It would be nice if someone who works here would chime in. This is a real Roku site, isn't it?
Good catch regarding the link. However, the official Miss Universe link is here at https://www.missuniverse.com/ but that says nothing either.
I am assuming it will just show up on the Roku Channel when it is available. 7pm ET on Jan. 14, 2023.
A little more info here https://www.billboard.com/culture/product-recommendations/how-to-watch-miss-universe-live-stream-online-1235008474/ about different options where to watch.
Apparently the marketing departments of Miss Universe and Roku forgot to include some advertising and marketing this year for the event.
Can the management from ROKU guide and help us though?
Could you let me know how to watch live streaming for the Miss Universe 2022 tomorrow in Roku Channel at 5 pm pacific time? The Roku channel doesn’t even have any information about the live show and I specifically bought a Roku device for this
Where can I watch MU 2023? I have roku channels but there is no link or info on where to watch it. It is bizarre. #missuniverse