The message you are trying to access is permanently deleted.
The Spanish option disappeared for me too..the way I’ve been doing it is turning off the captions and when I go to watch Doctor Who I play the episode and go back to the MAX menu and play the episode again and turn on the captions and it works but bloody **bleep** to do this every time a new episode starts sucks…every other app is fine except MAX..I have a Roku Express
I've sent MAX Support quite a lengthy email regarding this issue. Let's see how long it takes for a reply.
Hi Community users!
Thanks for posting.
We understand that you're having issues with the closed caption feature on the MAX channel. We would be more than happy to look into this issue, and we'll need more information. Can you please provide us with the following information:
Once we have this information, we will be able to investigate further.
All the best,
@RokuTakashi Do you want all of us to just post that info here?
I have a 4800X - Roku Ultra and a 3820X - Streaming Stick 4K. I had the closed caption issue only on the Max channel on both devices. I also have 2 Samsung TVs with the Max app. The closed caption work on the 2 Samsung TVs.
I removed the Max channel from the 3820X - Streaming Stick 4K. I then restarted the 3820X - Streaming Stick, followed by installing the Max app. Closed captions then worked on the Streaming Stick. We'll see if it stays working.
When I went to the 4800X, I saw that the Max app had already been reinstalled (it was at the end of the channel list). The closed captions also worked on the 4800X. Again, we'll see if it stays fixed.
I'm experiencing the same issues on both my Roku 4D TV and Roku streaming stick. Once I finish an episode, change to another show, or close Max it reverts back to no closed captions.
8/3/23 - running Check for updates fixed the issue for me on Max (no uninstall, off/on, reinstall).
I have been having the same problem. Have tried ALL the fixes and oddly enough some of them work, but only temporarily. Max CC disappears unpredictably.
What I have been doing is this: Exit the app. Go back in. Go to a movie that has the Spanish CC option (not all do), and swtich to Spanish, then back to English. Then go directly back to the show you are trying to watch and the English CC should show up there. Usually I have to do this for every episode, or every time I switch to a different show.
This is a cumbersome fix, and has to be done repeatedly, but it does work. I keep a movie with the Spanish option handy in my "continue watching" so I can find it easily.
There has been a recent update to the Max app. If you hit the asterisk "*" key while Max is selected on the home screen, it should show version 4.3 build 1. If not, try the update option to see if it updates. Build 0 is the one that seems to have the bug.
My app's version is 54.3 Build 1 and it is working for me now as well. Haven't had any issues in a few days and I've checked a few shows. I'm using a Roku Express.