"Meritage10" wrote:
Will this connect to a Blue Iris IP Camera Server, using that server's IP address and port? If so, can it be made to select cameras or cycle through them?
I'm not 100% sure what are the URLs for the "Blue Iris IP Camera Server", but from what I found it should be something like this for mjpeg:
and this for snapshots:
Replace 0 with the channel number for each camera. If this looks right, try adding a camera in IP Camera Viewer and select Blue Iris from Example Cameras (I just added this brand). Fill in the IP, port, login, password, and then in MJPEG and JPEG link, replace 0 with the camera channel you want to see. Let me know if this works.
To add multiple cameras, do the same for all other cameras and replace the 0 with the channels for the respective cameras.