I subscribed to ESPN+ on my laptop but when I try to access my new subscription (which has a different email account) on either my Roku TV or Roku device, I'm only given a "subscription expired" message with the option of buying a new subscription. There is a login button which doesn't work and there is no "logout" or profile management setting available, where I can unlink the old subscription. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Give this a try Linking my ESPN+ subscription | ESPN+ (espnplus.com)
Appreciate the suggestion, but it doesn't work. I can log into my new ESPN+ account on my laptop fine, but my Roku TV & Roku Express have my old ESPN+ account locked in and they offer no way to log out of it. So, when I get to this step for TV accesss...
Select Subscriptions > Log In or Subscriptions > ESPN+ > Log In (depending on the device in use)
Under subscriptions, I just get an "expired" message. There is a log in button, but it is inactive because it has me already logged in. I can't figure out why there is not way to log out or change account settings.
You should contact ESPN+support. https://help.espnplus.com/espnplus_hc
I talked to 2 different ESPN customer service people (20+ minutes each), who tried valiantly to help me. Ultimately though, it's Roku that makes it impossible to break the link on my Roku TV and Device. Unfortunately, Roku doesn't offer customer service unless it's "billing" or you are setting up a device. I've had Roku equipment forever and I've always felt their customer service was fairly nonexistent. At least ESPN+ agents are available and do what they can to help. By the way, what I finally did on my own, was delete my original ESPN account and that seemed to break the link when I brought it up in Roku...so problem sovled...thank you again!
A problem with a channel/app is up to the channel/app developer to fix. In your case the problem was with ESPN and not Roku.
Considering I can access my ESPN+ account on all other devices (i.e., tablet, laptop and phone) and the only devices I cannot access it on are Roku devices, I would have to disagree. They at least have some responsibility.
I can access ESPN+ on all 3 of my Roku TVs and my phone and laptop. If I was having an issue with any of my roku TVs I would contact ESPN + support and not Roku.