The message you are trying to access is permanently deleted.
The message you are trying to access is permanently deleted.
All channels, the Roku is effectively useless.
Hi, @Redkroovy!
Thanks for following up. It seems like this case is still under investigation, and there have been no updates yet. No worries! I'll make sure to follow up with the team.
Your continuous patience and understanding as we work on this are highly appreciated.
Hi, @gperkins.
Thanks for confirming.
Are any error messages prompted when you attempt to access any apps on your Home screen? If so, could you please let us know the specific error message? Also, do you have other Roku devices we can try to see if this is affected by your streaming concern?
In the meantime, here are some steps you can try to troubleshoot your device:
Let us know how it goes and we'll go from there!
Warm regards,
My other Roku devices are working fine. The affected device is hardwired to the router directly. I have rebooted and restarted several times throughout this process with no improvements. I have also tried deletong amd removing the affected channels with no improvement.
I have repeatedly rebooted everything. Nothing works, no apps on Roku even when removing and reinstalling. The error is the same as reported earlier. I have the Roku plugged in via cat5.
Other more modern Rokus, everything work fine on the same version of the app. Not sure if this specific to the Ultra or all devices with that chip.
Thanks for the added information, @Redkroovy.
Have you tried connecting this affected Roku device to a wireless network connection to see if this makes any difference?
Rest assured that I am coordinating this with the team and will update them with all of the information you've provided. This is still in the process of investigation as of the moment.
I'll let you know once I've heard from the team regarding this matter.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Hi, @gperkins.
Thank you for the additional information.
In this case, I'd be happy to include your device in the process of investigation. With this being said, kindly provide me with the necessary details such as follows:
I'll be looking forward to your response.
Of course I tried the wireless network, that's how I got the update that made the ultra useless.
4630X YR004N370852 13.1.4 build 1512-29 7KA684370852
I can also say that I've tried using my wireless and also Hotspots on several phones with no luck.