I have read some of the recent issues regards to a channel that no longer works. Every recommendation to fix the issue I have done and has failed. After corresponding with Byutv back and forth and providing the information with them, here is their recent reply. I don’t understand what their asking or even where to locate the information:
It looks like those numbers aren't connected to our app. Our current version is 5.59. Roku reports the version as 5.19. Can you find those numbers anywhere?
They're probably referring to the version number of the channel/app. Highlight the icon on the Home Screen and press * on your Roku remote. You should see the version number displayed in the popup. I just added it and it looks like it was just updated a few days ago judging by the build. Mine shows: Version 5.59 build 20230808
If yours doesn't show version 5.59, try a "Software update" located under Settings->System. It would also help to know the model number of your Roku device displayed under Settings->System->About.
Mine is having the same issue. Even after the software update, the version still shows as 5.12. I've restarted the device, uninstalled and reinstalled the channel, but nothing seems to fix the issue of not updating
@cparkr80, since @happymom123 never answered, what is the model number of your Roku device displayed under Settings->System->About?
Model 3500X
Software version 11.0.0 build 4195-09
I also did a system software check and it said it was up to date
Please accept my apologies for the late reply. Model #3930X
@cparkr80, sorry, but your situation is hopeless. The 3500 is no longer supported and will no longer receive updates. If BYUTV says you need a newer version you'll never get it. All you can do is purchase a new Roku device. Check your offers for a deal.
@happymom123, your device is still supported, so let's check a few things. What's the software version displayed under Settings->System->About and what's the version displayed when you highlight the BYUTV channel/app on your Home Screen and press * on your Roku remote?
Ok thank you for letting me know
I am getting a bit confused with regards to my situation when it comes with trying to get the Byutv app to work again. Now I am being told that my device is no longer supported by Roku and that I need to upgrade to a new device. Another tells me that it is still supported.
Which one of these responses are correct?
@happymom123, I never said your device wasn't supported anymore. The 3930 is still receiving updates. The 3500 that cparkr80 has is not. Do you have more than one Roku device or is the 3930 the only one you're speaking of? Did you ever try the update I suggested in my first response?
Please answer questions when I ask them if you really want help. What is the software version that's displayed under Settings->System->About and what is the version of the BYUTV channel/app that's displayed when you highlight the BYUTV icon on your Home Screen and press the * button on your Roku remote?