This is spot on. The content will not load on the Bloomberg app if you're running any ad blocking on your router/firewall. I am using a Ubiquiti UDM-Pro and turning on ad blocking uses DNS to block common ad domains.
The Roku consistently has 4-5X the number of ads blocked compared to any other device on my home network so I prefer to leave ad blocking on.... which meant a lot of toggling this setting. I ended up putting the Roku on its own VLAN/SSID and don't route that traffic through the ad blocking DNS server.
If you want to view what's happening behind the scenes, change your device DNS settings to Ad-Guard:
DNS, IPv4 | and |
They might be or (Google) or auto by default. Now go load a few web pages and compare the two pages.
If anyone has run wireshark to match traffic to the Bloomberg app and knows what to whitelist please post that!