I’m trying to rest my camera and connect it to the new WiFi. I’ve tried holding the reset button but nothing happens. I unplugged the device and plugged it back in then held the reset button, nothing still happened. It’s a solid blue light that isn’t flashing or won’t go away. I had a change in WiFi and am trying to get this set back up. Feels like the device is stuck.
Hello @Pmorris0228,
Welcome to the Roku Community!
We understand that you want to set up again your Outdoor wired camera to change the internet connection, but it won't reset. We would be more than happy to assist you with this.
Let's see if this will work for you.
• Remove/Delete the Roku camera:
• Setup the camera again:
For reference, please visit our Roku Support article: How to set up your Roku Outdoor Wired Camera SE
We hope this will work for you.
Hello @Pmorris0228,
Welcome to the Roku Community!
We understand that you want to set up again your Outdoor wired camera to change the internet connection, but it won't reset. We would be more than happy to assist you with this.
Let's see if this will work for you.
• Remove/Delete the Roku camera:
• Setup the camera again:
For reference, please visit our Roku Support article: How to set up your Roku Outdoor Wired Camera SE
We hope this will work for you.