I do not plan on purchasing anything. Why do I need to register a credit card to get my Roku working?
This link should let you create a Roku account without inputting credit card information: https://my.roku.com/signup/nocc
This link should let you create a Roku account without inputting credit card information: https://my.roku.com/signup/nocc
what if I don't want to set up a roku pay account... I don't want to buy anything through roku
I'm having the same problem, your link just keeps taking me to another version of your reply, where is the solution in this? Am I clicking on the wrong thing.
If you do the activation process from a computer you can view the site's code from your browser's programming tools and unhide the "Skip" button.
That seems beyond me, haha. Thanks anyway.
So basically, no....you need to enter a credit card despite what the ads and box say, Deceiving.
Did you try the link I posted above?
I already said you CAN, but you have to do it from a computer. The skip button is hidden within the html code. It's not hard to do but the moderators keep deleting any answers that actually help people with bypassing their arbitrary measures. PM if you want me to explain this further.
It appears that the Credit/Debit cards are a form of idenification for the user. Just like any other ID card one uses on a day to day basis.
With that in mind, you can opt out of using your card's digits. If you do, there will be consequences. The warning pop up box will fill you in. Pay attention & read it carefully. I opted out. And my Roku did not update or preform dependily anymore. I started using a reloadable prepaid Debit card for my Roku account for ID purposes only. My paywall apps are initially signed up directly by me on my laptop (not on the Roku directly), contacted by me through their call centers or email directly, or pay fees/memberships to their accounts also directly.
My apps immediately updated & I experienced no more Role related issues. So I use my special Debit card for all my online activities from now on, not only for Roku identification.
And my own hard won Credit Cards for offline uses only. This works for me.