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Roku Guru

Re: Customer Service, does it exist?

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And then what on hold and get discounted after they finally answer   and tell you to wait while they look things up about the issue you are having with their garbage app that you  have ben trying to get fixed for a week  Roku can stick their smart home app where the sun don't shine    I an sick of their   lies   sending email claiming they called  and got disconnected     Call logs show no record of them ever calling but plenty of me calling them,  Roku thinks its costumers are dumb and won't  check things 

  like that    They are dead wrong and  i have filed w complaints with the FCC FTC  and CA. state ASG offi9c and also co9ntacted  a legal expert  about filing a class action against Roku for the **bleep** they pull on their customers that affects 1000s of them    They keep up their **bleep** and they will be themselves run out of business  They screwed with the wrong person to often and now it is going to come back and bite them square in their backside.  I'm done with their B S games and  will do all in my powe to run them out of bussines 

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Roku Guru

Re: Customer Service, does it exist?

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Cal;therm and lisen top them lie to you and then dic onect the cal;l when you catch them in their lioes

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Re: Customer Service, does it exist?

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It is the worst I have ever used. I contacted them about a problem and after I waited on hold for 20+ minutes. I was connected to a fellow who said I needed to first verify my account. I gave him the information and he said: "I cannot verify your account." And he repeated that statement for everything I said. I logged into my account while on the phone and I was able to with the info I gave him. I told him that the info I gave him is correct and that I verified it by logging in, but all he would say was: "I cannot verify your account." I asked if I could talk with someone else and he repeated: "I cannot verify your account." It was like the twilight zone. I could not get any help because he could not "verify my account." with my account information??????

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