Latest jan 8 update, I can't control the Roku from a curl command, get this error:
ECP command not allowed in Limited mode
I can launch an app/channel, but no key presses.
Roku is now basically useless for me. Off to find a replacement. (though with the tracking and network scanning it does, it won't be missed too much. It is VERY intrusive on a LAN. Just look at the DNS calls it makes, and the network scanning it does. And the TOC is rather enlightening)
Additional options were added to Settings > System > Advanced system settings > Control by mobile apps > Network access.
See if taking this this out of the Limited mode solves the problem.
This is an instance where a nice little OS "Notes" overlay would come in handy when Roku pushes updates and builds/patches.
I discovered that Roku overrode previous setting and enabled 'Limited' by default causing a couple of my web-based apps to fail to interact with Roku. I was looking over settings in my computers and firewalls and by happenstance decided to look in the Roku settings to see if access was somehow disabled and found the 'Limited' enabled.
Changing to either 'Permissive' or 'Enabled' should fix this for most cases. (at least it did for me and the affected apps and desktop software.)