There has got to be a way to remotely switch between ROKU speakers and Bluetooth headsets. It needs to be simple to operate for the wife, as in, no need to go into settings and switch audio from speakers to something else. I want to allow the wife to listen to the headphones and turn off the speakers on the bedroom TV. I have tried the ROKU remote but the batteries won’t last but a night or so - TV stays on all night. I also tried the ROKU remote with the plugin power supply but now we have extra wires all over and still can’t use Bluetooth phones.
I also see many posts where there is someone in a home with hearing issues that needs headphones so the volume is not blasting others in the room. One question I can’t find an answer to is if you can switch from one *HDMI port to a second and use an HDMI Bluetooth dongle to transmit the audio, assuming there is such a device. If so, will switching HDMI ports also mute the speakers, not likely but muting the audio on the remote would be OK if it didn’t mute the Headphones. If anyone has ever run across a way to accomplish this I would very much like to know.
*Switching HDMI ports would suffice.